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Configuration — pystata documentation
... and located in the pystata subdirectory of the utilities folder in Stata’s
installation directory. For example, if you install Stata in C:\Program Files ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/install.html - 27k

Example 2: Load data from Python — pystata ...
... Example 2: Load data from Python¶. There are many ways to load data
from Python into Stata’s current dataset in memory. For example: ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Example2.html - 46k

Call Stata using IPython magic commands — pystata ...
... offers several arguments that can be used to control the execution of Stata’s
commands and to pass data between Stata and Python. For example, you can use ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Quick%20Start1.html - 43k

The mata magic — pystata documentation
... those who want to do matrix computations interactively and by those who want to add
new features to Stata. You can read about all of Mata’s features here. ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Magic%20Commands2.html - 35k

Call Stata using API functions — pystata documentation
... Previously , we initialized Stata’s environment within Python. Once we have
done that, we can use the stata module to call Stata. Below, we import the ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Quick%20Start2.html - 31k

API functions — pystata documentation
... with Stata; for example, the functions can be used to run Stata commands, pass
data between Stata and Python, and access Stata’s returned results. ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/api.html - 9k

Example 3: Work with multiple datasets (frames) — ...
... frames intro in the Stata Data Management Reference Manual. In this example, we illustrate
how to pass data and results between Python and Stata’s frames. ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Example3.html - 35k

The pystata magic — pystata documentation
... of Stata's variable names, macro names, r() results, e() results, and s()
results from the current Stata session. on, the default, specifies that ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Magic%20Commands3.html - 101k

Index — pystata documentation
... pystata: Docs; Index; Index. C | G | I | M | N | P | R | S C. ... pystata.config:
module. pystata.stata: module. R. run() (in module pystata.stata). S. ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/genindex.html - 11k

The stata magic — pystata documentation
... Store current e() results into a dictionary. -sret DICTIONARY Store current s()
results into a dictionary. -qui Run Stata commands but suppress output. -nogr ...

www.stata.com/python/pystata18/notebook/Magic%20Commands1.html - 60k

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