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Searched for %s site:www.stata.com/manuals.   Results 51 - 60 of about 1880. Search took 0.29 seconds.

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... plot fpfit fractional polynomial plot lfitci linear prediction plot with CI s qfitci
quadratic prediction plot with CI s fpfitci fractional polynomial plot ...


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... Also see Description irf graph graphs impulse­response functions ( IRF s), dynamic-multiplier
functions, and forecast- error variance decompositions ( FEVD s ...


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... are not significantly different from one another. In this case, the Northeast (NE),
South (S), and West (W) regions have the letter B in the "Unadjusted Groups ...


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... 5 8) Fit a group 2PL model irt 2pl b1-b9, group(female) Plot the TCC s for both
groups irtgraph tcc Plot the TCC s, and show the latent trait level for the ...


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... numbers reported as "data" and "overhead" under the "used" column. We will call this
sum S for size. 3. Calculate T = S + M ×S×(n/N ). T is an approximation ...


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... from the time series Trend trend(newvar | newvarlist | stub*) save the trend component(s)
in new variable(s) Gain gain(gainvar anglevar) save the gain and ...


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... Hodrick­Prescott filter Trend trend(newvar | newvarlist | stub*) save the trend
component(s) in new variable(s) Gain gain(gainvar anglevar) save the gain and ...


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... and Sm is one of 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 R 3 RSS | R S | R . . . E H The
numbers specified in smoother represent the span of a running median smoother ...


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... a stationary time series Trend trend(newvar | newvarlist | stub*) save the trend
component(s) in new variable(s) Gain gain(gainvar anglevar) save the gain and ...


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... List levels of a dimension Stored results collect levelsof stores the following in
s(): Macros s(collection) name of collection s(dimname) specified dimension s ...


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