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Which Stata is right for me?

Stata/MP Stata/SE Stata/BE Numerics by Stata

Whether you’re a student or a seasoned research professional, we have a package designed to suit your needs:

  • Stata/MP: The fastest edition of Stata (for quad-core, dual-core, and multicore/multiprocessor computers) that can analyze the largest datasets
  • Stata/SE: Standard edition; for larger datasets
  • Stata/BE: Basic edition; for mid-sized datasets
  • Numerics by Stata: Stata for embedded and web applications

Stata/MP is the fastest and largest edition of Stata. Virtually any current computer can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This includes the Intel i3, i5, i7, i9, Xeon, Celeron, and AMD multi-core chips. On dual-core chips, Stata/MP runs 40% faster overall and 72% faster where it matters, on the time-consuming estimation commands. With more than two cores or processors, Stata/MP is even faster. Find out more about Stata/MP.

Stata/MP, Stata/SE, and Stata/BE all run on any machine, but Stata/MP runs faster. You can purchase a Stata/MP license for up to the number of cores on your machine (maximum is 64). For example, if your machine has eight cores, you can purchase a Stata/MP license for eight cores, four cores, or two cores.

Stata/MP can also analyze more data than any other edition of Stata. Stata/MP can analyze 10 to 20 billion observations given the current largest computers, and is ready to analyze up to 1 trillion observations once computer hardware catches up.

Stata/SE and Stata/BE differ only in the dataset size that each can analyze. Stata/SE (up to 10,998) and Stata/MP (up to 65,532) can fit models with more independent variables than Stata/BE (up to 798). Stata/SE can analyze up to 2 billion observations.

Stata/BE allows datasets with as many as 2,048 variables and 2 billion observations. Stata/BE can have at most 798 independent variables in a model.

Numerics by Stata can support any of the data sizes listed above in an embedded environment.

All the above editions have the same complete set of features and include PDF documentation.

Product features Stata/BE
(Basic Edition)
(Standard Edition)

Stata/MP: The fastest edition of Stata (for dual-core and multicore computers) that can also analyze more data than any other edition of Stata.

2-core 4-core 6+
Maximum number of variables

Maximum number of columns/fields allowed in your dataset.

Up to 2,048 variables
Up to 32,767 variables -
Up to 120,000 variables - -
Maximum number of observations

Maximum number of rows/records in your dataset.

Stata/MP holds up to 20 billion observations given the current largest computer, and is ready for more once computer hardware catches up.

Up to 2.14 billion
Up to 20 billion - -
Speed comparisons

Stata is fast.

Stata/MP is the fastest edition of Stata and handles the largest datasets. All modern computers can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This means

  • Stata/MP2 runs almost two times faster than Stata/SE
  • Stata/MP4 runs almost four times faster than Stata/SE
  • Higher MP licenses run even faster

Read a more in-depth discussion of the speed advantages of Stata/MP.

Twice as fast - -
Almost four times as fast - -
Even faster - -
- -
Time to run logistic regression with 10 million observations and 20 covariates
20 seconds
10 seconds - -
5.2 seconds - -
< 5.2 seconds - -
- -
Maximum number of independent variables

Maximum number of explanatory variables allowed in a model. In the linear regression case, the maximum number of regressors.

10,998 -
65,532 - -
Complete suite of statistical features
Linear models Panel data Survival analysis
Multilevel models Treatment effects Time series
GLM ANOVA/MANOVA Binary outcomes
Multiple imputation SEM Count outcomes
Survey methods Exact statistics Power, precision, and sample size
Contrasts Marginal effects Group sequential designs
FMM Cluster analysis GMM
Multivariate methods LCA Bootstrapping
Basic statistics Epidemiology Programmable MLE
Simulation Nonparametrics and more ...
Bayesian analysis Spatial autoregression  
Bayesian model averaging Item response theory  
Publication-quality graphics
Extensive data management facilities
Truly reproducible research
Comprehensive reporting and table generation
Powerful programming language
Complete PDF documentation

Over 19,000 pages of documentation, including fully worked examples and methods and formulas.

Exceptional technical support
Includes within-release updates;
StataNow includes continuous-release updates
Windows, macOS, and Linux

All Stata licenses run on all three platforms.

And much more for all your data science needs
Memory requirements 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Disk space requirements 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB

View the comparison of limits.

See a list of compatible operating systems.

See the benefits of staying current.