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AAHB 2024 Scientific Meeting
Savannah, GA | 14–17 April 2024

StataCorp is a sponsor for the AAHB 2024 Scientific Meeting. Gabriela Ortiz, Senior Applied Econometrician, Communications, will be giving a workshop. For more information about the meeting, visit the AAHB 2024 Meeting page.

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Workshop–Professional development event

Title: New meta-analysis features in Stata 18
Presenter: Gabriela Ortiz, Senior Applied Econometrician, Communications, StataCorp
Date: Tuesday, 16 April 2024
Time: 12:45–1:45 p.m. ET
Objectives: Attendees will
  1. learn how to perform multilevel meta-analysis in Stata with the new meta multilevel and meta meregress commands,
  2. find out how to assess the heterogeneity jointly for all levels of the hierarchy and for each level, and
  3. learn how to perform meta-analysis of one-sample binary data and learn about the effect sizes commonly used with these data.
Fee: Free for registered attendees
Materials: Download here

Gabriela Ortiz

Gabriela Ortiz portrait

Gabriela Ortiz is a Senior Applied Econometrician at StataCorp LLC. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of California, Davis and a master's degree in economics from California State University, Long Beach. Gabriela is a primary author of Stata's reporting manual and has contributed to the development of each of the reporting features. She also developed and regularly teaches several of Stata's webinars.

PDF flyers

Browse the Stata flyers below.

Introduction to Stata

Stata overview
Letter   A4

Why Stata
Letter   A4

Stata 18 highlights
Letter   A4

Letter   A4  

Letter   A4  


Bayesian analysis
Letter   A4

Bayesian model averaging
Letter   A4

Causal inference/Treatment effects
Letter   A4

Causal mediation analysis
Letter   A4

Choice models
Letter   A4

Clinical trials
Letter   A4

Customizable tables
Letter   A4

Data frames
Letter   A4

Difference in differences
Letter   A4

Extended regression models (ERMs)
Letter   A4

Finite mixture models (FMMs)
Letter   A4

Group sequential designs
Letter   A4

Interval-censored Cox model
Letter   A4

Item response theory (IRT)
Letter   A4

Lasso: Prediction and inference
Letter   A4

Latent class analysis (LCA)
Letter   A4

Maximum likelihood estimation
Letter   A4

Letter   A4

Multilevel mixed-effects models
Letter   A4

Multiple imputation
Letter   A4

Nonparametric regression
Letter   A4

Panel data
Letter   A4

Power, precision, and sample-size analysis
Letter   A4

Letter   A4

Reproducible and automated reporting
Letter   A4

Reproducibility and backward compatibility
Letter   A4

Spatial autoregressive (SAR) models
Letter   A4

Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Letter   A4

Survey data
Letter   A4

Survival analysis
Letter   A4

Time series
Letter   A4

View all Stata features.


Programming with Stata
Letter   A4

Teaching with Stata
Letter   A4

Tech support
Letter   A4

Stata Press

Author Support Program
Letter   A4

Become a Stata Press® author
Letter   A4

Visit stata-press.com for more information.

Stata Journal

Publish in the Stata Journal
Letter   A4

The Stata Journal
Letter   A4

Visit stata-journal.com for more information.

Supplementary materials