The 2016 Spanish Stata Users Group meeting was October 20, but you can still interact with the user community even after the meeting and learn more about the presentations shared.
9:45–10:45 |
Stata has multiple estimators that account for endogeneity. I
will briefly discuss these estimators and their assumptions.
However, my main focus will be to talk about estimators that
account for endogeneity that are not in Stata and can be
implemented using gsem and gmm.
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pinzon-spain16.pdf Enrique Pinzón
10:45–11:15 |
Panel data make it possible to both control for unobserved
confounders and include lagged, endogenous regressors. Trying to do
both at the same time, however, leads to serious estimation
difficulties. In the econometric literature, these problems have been
solved by using lagged instrumental variables together with the
generalized method of moments (GMM). In Stata, commands such as xtabond
and xtdpdsys have been used for these models. Here we show that the
same problems can be addressed via maximum likelihood estimation
implemented with Stata's structural equation modeling (sem) command.
We show that the ML (sem) method is substantially more efficient than
the GMM method when the normality assumption is met and suffers less
from finite sample biases. We introduce a command named xtdpdml with
syntax similar to other Stata commands for linear dynamic panel-data
estimation. xtdpdml simplifies the SEM model specification process;
makes it possible to test and relax many of the constraints that are
typically embodied in dynamic panel models; and takes advantage of
Stata's ability to use full information maximum likelihood (FIML) for
dealing with missing data.
Note also that a preliminary version of the command is already available at
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moral-benito-spain16.pdf Enrique Moral-Benito
Banco de España
Richard Williams
University of Notre Dame
Paul Allison
University of Pennsylvania
11:45–12:15 |
I present an applied case of how to shape integrated cities in
developing countries, where usually there is no commuting data. I follow
OECD's definition of Functional Urban Areas and consider Ecuador as a case
study. I use satellite imagery to overcome the problem of suitable
administrative data. I identify urban cores by means of Landscan data
(satellite-derived density), and I use Google Maps and Open Street Maps
to compute isochrones, which are used to build polycentric cities. I
follow Ahlfeldt and Wendland (2016) and propose to use a
differentiated threshold for every urban core to the definition of their
hinterland, where the dimension of the hinterland is positively related
to the dimension of the urban core. I also implement two robustness
checks by comparing the results of the procedure with the ones resulting
from population flows. I use migration flows derived from the 2010
census as an alternative for commuting flows, assuming they include
movements within cities but also between them, which calls for an
additional distance restriction in the flows algorithm. I derive
commuting flows between municipalities by means of the radiation model
(Simini et al. 2012 and Masucci et al. 2013), taking into account the
advantage of being a parameter-free model. I use several algorithms
programmed in Stata to build a consistent picture of Functional Urban
Areas in a developing economy such as Ecuador without having to use
commuting flows. This procedure is close to standard techniques and
arises as a good alternative for defining real cities in developing
Additional information
obaco-spain16.pdf Moisés Obaco
Universitat de Barcelona
Vicente Royuela
Universitat de Barcelona
Vítores Xavier
Universitat de Barcelona
12:15–12:45 |
One of the most common problems in the daily management of specialized
care hospitals is the prediction of inpatient admissions originating
from the emergency department (ED). In this presentation, I describe the
development of a software system for the real-time prediction of
probabilities of inpatient admission for all patients present at the ED
at a given moment. This software is written in Stata and interacts with
the application programming interface (API) of the Weka machine learning
software through an ad hoc integration layer. The resulting expert system
can be integrated with most software architectures through web services.
Ours was the development of classifiers with adequate performance in
terms of both discrimination and calibration (goodness-of-fit), reliant
on a small number of variables and available in most ED settings right
after triage. The Manchester Triage System (MTS) was used in our
setting. Discrimination was evaluated with the area under the ROC curve
(AUROC). Calibration was evaluated with Hosmer–Lemeshow (HL) 2 and
p-values with 10 fixed probability intervals. We used logistic
regression (LR) models and models based on an ad hoc ensemble classifier
that optimized calibration. A custom method was used for the evaluation
of models, with increasingly larger train sets and 12 consecutive test
sets of approximately monthly length. This evaluation method produced
the results that follow, reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
For LR models, average AUROC = 0.8531, 95% CI (0.8501, 0.856 1); for ad
hoc ensemble classifier models, average AUROC = 0.8635, 95% CI (0.8605,
0.8665). Average HL 2 were 35.15, 95% CI (32.57,
37.73) for LR models, 10.47; and 11.4, 95% CI (9.10, 13.75) for ad hoc
ensemble classifier models. The latter exhibited better calibration than
the LR models, with p-values > 0.05 in 10 of the 12 experiments.
Alexander Zlotnik
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
12:45–1:15 |
In this presentation, I will explore how the Department of Educational
Psychology at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, initiated
a positive transition toward Stata with the implementation and use
of the program for the first time in the history of the university. The
transition was made possible through the design of courses incorporated
into the university coursework. I will explore the steps
that made this transition possible and the obstacles faced through the
trajectory. Additionally, I will speak about student
application from students enrolled in master's and doctoral programs. I
will expose examples of classroom application and the
implications that have generated success in the formation of future
researchers in the area of educational psychology.
Elizabeth Stackhouse
Texas A&M University
1:15–1:45 |
In this presentation, I show how you can create custom exams using Stata
so that the answers cannot be interchanged among those who have to complete
them. The procedure requires a database from which different samples are
extracted to be distributed to the members of a course in a unique .txt,
.xls, or .dta file. While the samples are made, Stata calculates the
specific solutions and records them so that the teacher can easily correct
the answers that students will have to enter in a spreadsheet. As an
example, an exercise will be presented for the selection of the best
statements of a Likert scale.
Additional information
escobar-spain16.pdf Modesto Escobar
Universidad de Salamanca
3:00–4:00 |
Researchers often need to analyze time-to-event data where time is
measured as a discrete variable.
In some situations, the recorded variable contains the actual time
values where events happen. However, in most cases, discrete
time-to-event data are the result of an underlying continuous process
that has been intervalcensored. We'll discuss this problem and the
implementation of estimation methods in Stata, including extension to
discrete-response models, like multilevel models.
We'll also discuss simulation strategies to visualize when a discrete model is better than a continuous model.
Additional information
canette-spain16.pdf Isabel Cañette
4:30–5:00 |
The Spatial Theory of Voting contends that the ideological distance to a
party is negatively correlated with the probability to vote for that
particular party. Following this logic, political scientists have
generally analyzed the effect of ideology on vote choice by estimating
conditional logits or other similar applications. However, the
implementation of the traditional conditional logit estimates the
so-called generic attribute coefficient, implying that the attribute
coefficient is valuated identically with regard to all alternatives
(parties). This assumption is risky because voters' reactions to issues may
vary across parties because each party
strategically manipulates the saliencies of selected issues. More
concretely, the ideological distance may shape vote choice for some
voters but not for others. In this presentation, I show the need to
challenge this assumption by "splitting" the generic parameter in
conditional logits into alternative-specific parameters. By analyzing
vote choice in EU elections in three different countries—Germany,
Italy, and Spain—this communication highlights the importance of
this statistical identification. I will start by explaining the
theoretical basis of the model and its implementation, and I will offer
some examples to show how it can be implemented in Stata.
Toni Rodon
Stanford University
5:00–5:30 |
This presentation theorizes the rise of the modern fiscal state as a
by-product of time-inconsistent electoral calculations by incumbent elites
with distinctive ideological constituencies. I claim that
nineteenth-century parties made myopic political and fiscal decisions
that resulted from their weak internal cohesion and organization. Being
clubs more than modern party organizations, they did not internalize the
long-run policy costs of decisions that maximized their immediate
electoral fortunes. The analysis generates novel predictions about the
partisan determinants of both the extensions of franchise and the
development of fiscal policy, which are tested on a new dataset of
parliamentary plurality by party families in 10 European democracies
between 1820 and 1975.
Pablo Beramendi
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Didac Queralt
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
5:30–6:00 |
Does nationalism increase with economic crisis? This presentation seeks
to answer this question and examines whether changes in the nation's
economy and in individuals' economic situation affect people's national
attitudes. Borrowing from the social identity theory, I argue that people
care about their individual status and the status of the group with
which they identify. In this way, when individuals' economic status
deteriorates, their national identity strengthens. Yet, when the status
of the nation depreciates, their reaction weakens their identification
with the national group. To test this theory, I combine data from two
monographic surveys of the International Social Survey Program (National
identity 2003 and 2013) and a six-wave online panel study carried out
in Spain between 2009 and 2014 to assess the impact that changes in the
nation's status and intraindividual changes in the economic status have
on national pride, closeness to the nation, and españolismo
(Spanish nationalism).
Results from the cross-country analyses show that closeness to the nation and national pride decrease when the economic status of the nation deteriorates. Results from the panel analyses show that individual changes in the economic situation are related to intraindividual changes in Spanish nationalism. Losses of income translate to a stronger Spanish nationalism but only to people with a lower prior level of it. It also shows that the individual perception of the economic status of the nation matters. When the individual economic assessment of the economy improves over time, the nation is perceived as a more desirable category of identification, leading to a reinforcement of their Spanish nationalism.
Additional information
hierro-spain16.pdf María José Hierro
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
6:00–6:30 |
One of the aims of the social sciences is the prediction of phenomena.
Among the more attractive predictions not only to the scientific
community but also to the media is the electoral outcome. Basically,
there are two methods of predicting. One is through time series in which
external factors are introduced; the other is through the use of polls.
I discuss how to use Stata to forecast electoral data through
questionnaires, given the enormous amount of interference that occurs in
the collection of information: from sample designs, problems of
nonresponse, to biased statements of future voters. The survey Stata module
is used to poststratify using the recall of past vote. I will give
special attention to the svy Stata command and its use in two steps
to predict the outcome of the general election. I will also present a
program that will make predictions without microdata from direct estimates
obtained in the polls. All of this is done for the Spanish case, using
surveys published in the media and regularly carried out by the
Governmental Center for Sociological Research.
Additional information
cabrera-spain16.pdf Modesto Escobar
Universidad de Salamanca
Pablo Cabrera
NatCen Social Research (London), Universidad de Salamanca
Scientific committee
Raul Ramos
Universitat de Barcelona
Vicente Royuela
Universitat de Barcelona
Josep Maria Domenech
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sociology and Political Science
Modesto Escobar
Universidad de Salamanca
Bruno Arpino
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Mariano Torcal
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Logistics organizer

The logistics organizer for the 2016 Spanish Stata Users Group meeting is Timberlake Consulting, S.L., the distributor of Stata in Spain.
View the proceedings of previous Stata Users Group meetings.