The Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group meeting was held on 30 August 2019 at the Karolinska Institutet.
9:00–9:25 |
We introduce the new stpreg command, which can fit flexible
parametric models for the event-probability function, a measure of
occurrence of an event of interest over time. The event-probability
function is defined as the instantaneous probability of an event at
a given time point conditional on having survived until that point.
Unlike the hazard function, the event-probability function defines the
instantaneous probability of the event. This talk describes its properties
and interpretation along with convenient methods for modeling the possible
effect of covariates on it, including flexible proportional-odds models
and flexible power-probability models, which allow for censored and
truncated observations. We compare these with other popular
methods and discuss the theoretical and computational aspects of
parameter estimation through a real data example.
Additional information: nordic19_Bottai.pdf
Matteo Bottai
Andrea Discacciati
Giola Santoni
Karolinska Institutet
9:25–9:50 |
In large disease registers, there is often interest in mortality due
a specific cause. Individuals are at risk of death from a variety of
other causes, making this a competing-risks situation. Disease registers
are observational, and comparisons between exposure groups are prone to
confounding. I will introduce a general command, standsurv, for
obtaining marginal effects and contrasts from a variety of survival models.
In this talk, I will focus on a marginal cause-specific cumulative incidence
function after fitting some cause-specific models. These models
need to be combined in order to obtain the marginal predictions. If the
models appropriately adjust for relevant confounders, then contrasts between
marginal estimates can be interpreted as causal effects. I will also
describe a number of other useful measures including marginal estimates
of the expected life years lost. Relative survival has some
similarities to competing risks, and I will demonstrate how many of the
ideas for competing risks also apply in a relative survival framework.
Additional information: nordic19_Lambert.pdf
Paul C. Lambert
University of Leicester
9:50–10:15 |
At previous Stata conferences, I've presented survsim for simulating
survival data, multistate for multistate parametric survival analysis,
and merlin for fitting general mixed-effects regression models for linear,
nonlinear, and user-defined distributions. In this talk, I'll present some
ongoing work that brings together the codebase of all three commands into one
coherent framework. This will provide new features such as
Additional information: nordic19_Crowther.pdf
Michael J. Crowther
University of Leicester
10:45–11:10 |
Continuously recorded exposure data are increasingly available in predicting
time-to-event outcomes in epidemiological research. To take full advantage of
this type of data, we introduce a new command, sttde, to facilitate statistical
inference, visualization, and summary of exposure effects that may change along
the time scale. The sttde command is designed to work with commonly used
parametric and semiparametric survival models. I illustrate applications of the sttde
command using yearly recorded exposure arising from the Swedish Register data.
Additional information: nordic19_Sjöqvist.pdf
Hugo Sjöqvist
Nicola Orsini
Karolinska Institutet
11:10–11:35 |
Meta-analysis combines results of multiple similar studies to provide an estimate of the overall effect.
This overall estimate may not always be representative of a true effect. Often, studies report results that vary in magnitude
and even direction of the effect, which leads to between-study heterogeneity. And sometimes the actual studies selected in a meta-analysis
are not representative of the population of interest, which happens, for instance, in the presence of publication bias.
Meta-analysis provides the tools to investigate and address these complications. Stata has a long history of meta-analysis methods
contributed by Stata researchers. In my presentation, I will introduce Stata's new suite of commands, meta, and demonstrate it
using real-world examples.
Additional information: nordic19_Marchenko.pdf
Yulia Marchenko
11:35–12:00 |
Whether you want to incorporate Stata results into a Word, Excel, HTML, or PDF document, you can use Stata's features for reproducible reports.
And for reports that need to be dynamic--reports that need to change as the data changes--Stata provides the tools to recreate reports and
automatically update all graphs, summary statistics, regressions, and other results from Stata. In this talk I will give an overview of Stata's
tools for reporting and demonstrate how to create HTML and Word documents using Markdown and how to create customized Word, Excel, and PDF documents.
Additional information: nordic19_Macdonald.pdf
Kristin MacDonald
1:00–1:25 |
This talk explains how to estimate long-run coefficients and bootstrap standard
errors in a dynamic panel with heterogeneous coefficients, common factors, and
many observations over cross-sectional units and time periods.
The common factors cause cross-sectional dependence, which is approximated by
cross-sectional averages. Heterogeneity of the coefficients is accounted for by taking
the unweighted averages of the unit-specific estimates. Following Chudik, Mohaddes,
Pesaran, and Raissi (2016, Advances in Econometrics 36:85–135), I consider three
models to estimate long-run coefficients: a simple dynamic model (CS-DL),
an error-correction model, and an ARDL model (CS-ARDL). I explain how to fit
all three models using the community-contributed command xtdcce2. Then I
compare the nonparametric standard errors and bootstrapped standard errors.
The bootstrap follows on the lines of Goncalves and Perron (2016)
and the community-contributed command boottest (Roodman, Nielsen, Webb and Mackinnon,
2018). The challenges are to maintain the error structure across time and
cross-sectional units and to encompass the dynamic structure of the model.
Additional information: nordic19_Ditzen.pdf
Jan Ditzen
Heriot-Watt University
1:25–1:50 |
Nearly 40,000 people in the U.S. die from firearm-related causes annually.
Of these, about 1% are intentionally shot and killed while at work;
work-related homicides account for about 10% of all workplace fatalities.
While firearm policies have remained essentially unchanged at the national
level, there is greater variation in state-level gun control legislation.
Moreover, the gun control landscape between and within states has changed
considerably over the past 10 years. Little recent work has focused on
determinants or epidemiology of workplace homicide. The purpose of this
study is to test whether changes in state-level gun control policies are
associated with changes in state-level workplace homicide rates. Our analysis
shows that stronger gun-control policies, particularly around concealed
carry permitting, background checks, and domestic violence, may be effective means of reducing work-related homicide.
Additional information: nordic19_Sabbath.pdf
Erika Sabbath
Summer Sherburne Hawkins
Christopher F. Baum
Boston College
1:50–2:15 |
Artificial effect-size magnification (ESM) may occur in underpowered
studies, where effects are reported only because they or their
associated p-value have passed some threshold. Ioannidis (2008) and
Gelman and Carlin (2014) have suggested that the plausibility of
findings for a specific study can be evaluated by computing ESM,
which requires statistical simulation. In this talk, we present a new
Stata package, emagnification, that allows straightforward
implementation of such simulations in Stata. The commands automate these
simulations for epidemiological studies and enable the user to assess
ESM routinely for published studies using user-selected,
study-specific inputs that are commonly reported in published literature.
The intention of the package is to allow a wider community to use ESMs
as a tool for evaluating the reliability of reported effect sizes and to
put an observed statistically significant effect size into a fuller context
with respect to potential implications for study conclusions.
Additional information: nordic19_Miller.pdf
David J. Miller
James Nguyen
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Matteo Bottai
Karolinska Institutet
2:45–3:10 |
margins and marginsplot are excellent Stata commands for
visualizing effects. However, when the functions modeled for margins are
not simple polynomials, but have to be modeled using cubic splines, there
is a need for an alternative. I present an easy-to-use prefix command, emc,
for visualizing the difference between two curves. One example could be the
difference in weight or height development between boys and girls dependent of
age. The emc command is about to be presented in the Stata Journal, but
this presentation is quite different based on another example.
Additional information: nordic19_Bruun.pdf
Niels Henrik Bruun
Aarhus University
3:10–3:35 |
A linear mixed-effects model for the synthesis of multiple tables of
summarized dose-response data has been recently proposed and implemented
in the drmeta command. One of the main advantages offered by this framework
is the possibility to fit complex models avoiding exclusion of studies
contrasting a limited number of doses. The aim of this presentation is to
evaluate the ability of Akaike's information criterion (AIC) to suggest
the true dose-response relationship. Statistical experiments are conducted
under the assumption of either a linear (Shape 1) or nonlinear (Shape 2)
relationship between a quantitative dose and mean outcome. Tables of summarized
data are generated upon categorization of the dose into quantiles. Every
simulated dose-response meta-analysis is analyzed with a linear-mixed effects
model using two commonly used strategies: linear function and splines.
Accuracy of the AIC is assessed by calculating the proportion of times in a
large number of experiments the Shape 1 and Shape 2 are correctly identified
by choosing the lowest AIC among the two modeling strategies. I also explore
how this accuracy may vary according to the distribution of the dose and the
way it has been categorized.
Additional information: nordic19_Orsini.pdf
Nicola Orsini
Karolinska Institutet
3:35–4:00 |
The possibilities of using Stata to interrogate and analyze big data
are not widely known among health researchers. However, the ability
to meld different programming tools is becoming gradually more
important with the increasing mainstream availability of big data
sources. The aim of this presentation is to illustrate, using existing
commands such as odbc and python, how to emulate and analyze
large prospective cohorts from a collection of big national registers,
harvesting the power of the different engines available (for example, SQL
to handle relational databases and the preprocess phase, Stata to easily
perform advanced statistical analyses and Python to implement well-known
modules and packages for data manipulation and plots). I use a case study in
pharmaco-epidemiology to illustrate the potential of using Stata
to both design and analyze such complex and large datasets.
Additional information: nordic19_Marrazzo.pdf
Matteo Marrazzo
Nicola Orsini
Karolinska Institutet
4:00–5:00 |
Stata developers present will carefully and cautiously
consider wishes and grumbles from Stata users in the audience.
Questions, and possibly answers, may concern reports of
present bugs and limitations or requests for new features in
future releases of the software.
StataCorp personnel
Scientific committee
Matteo Bottai
Karolinska Institutet
Paul Lambert
University of Leicester and Karolinska Institutet
Nicola Orsini
Karolinska Institutet
Logistics organizer

The 2019 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group meeting is jointly organized by the Biostatistics Team at the Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet and Metrika Consulting, the distributor of Stata for Northern Europe.
View the proceedings of previous Stata Users Group meetings.