EUSMEX 2016, the 2016 Mexican Stata Users Group meeting, was May 18, but you can still interact with the user community even after the meeting and learn more about the presentations shared.
This application analyzes the tax revenues for public
waste disposal services from households using an
economic and environmental assessment with Stata. This talk
is based on Hanemann's (1984) approach using contingent
valuation to estimate an indirect utility function;
the proposal of this application is to reduce selection
bias, avoiding the “willingness to pay quantity”
using a proxy for a property tax and maintenance fees
(ENIGH 2014). A contingent valuation model can be used
as a tool for fiscal policies, in assessing
environmental resources end ffects on morbidity or
discomfort of families, and as an easy way to
predict its utility with Stata.
Additional information Mexico16_Robles.pdf Arturo Robles Valencia
Universidad de Sonora
DJA stands for the Duclos-Jalbert-Araar
(2003) decomposition of redistribution to vertical,
horizontal, and reranking inequalities. The theoretical
framework allows one to propose a method to decompose the
redistribution effect or change in equality into
these three components. The command is programmed as an
ado-file in Stata; to be implemented, it requires
the microdata of income or expenditures in combination with
taxes and transfers or any other type of variables
describing sources of inequities in a distribution of
income. We provide an empirical application to explain
its utility and the easy way to perform it, using data
of income from the Mexican survey Encuesta Nacional de
Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2014.
Additional information Mexico16_Llamas.pdf Linda Llamas
Universidad Estatal de Sonora and CIAD
Abdelkrim Araar
Université Laval & CIRPÉE
Luis Huesca
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C. (CIAD)
Fractional outcome models are especially designed for
continuous dependent variables with values that range
between zero and one. For example, fractional outcome
models may be used when working with averages of binary
outcomes, such as participation rates, or for variables
on a zero-to-one scale, such as proportions and
fractions. Stata 14 offers new commands for fractional
outcome estimators, which fit models to these data using
probit, logit, heteroskedastic probit, and beta
regression. I will present basic concepts for these
methods, and I will provide some examples.
Additional information Mexico16_Dorta.pdf Miguel Dorta
StataCorp LP
In this presentation, I discuss various exercises that
include calculus of indicators, graphic facilities,
estimation of a Mincerian econometric model and basic
procedures to plot maps about household lack of access to
food by Mexican states and municipalities, using Stata
and Mata commands, from the original microdata of the
Encuesta Intercensal 2015 (EIC, or the Intercensal
Survey) conducted by the National Institute of
Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in 2015. The syntax,
matrix results, and templates that are presented
show the versatility of Stata as an ideal
tool in the management and analysis of large volumes of
data with a focus on some basic assessment issues,
statistics, and econometrics that require the use of real
and recent information.
Additional information Mexico16_Islas.pptx Juan Francisco Islas Aguirre
FAO México
Stata is an interesting alternative for financial
analysts who have little or no experience in
programming. Although Stata does not offer a great
variety of user commands for financial models, it offers
a great variety of econometric models that can be
applied to any financial tools. Another advantage of
using Stata for programming financial models is its
script-based programming that makes it easier to learn for
students or professionals with no programming
experience. In this talk, a structured method
for programming finance models will be presented. The
design of this method for teaching finance programming
in Stata is also presented. Specific examples of portfolio
management models will be presented using the mvport
package and an Excel interface.
Additional information Mexico16_Dorantes.pptx Carlos Alberto Dorantes Dosamantes
Waste management pollution is a public health concern.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship
between systemic inflammation markers and exposure to
endotoxin and (1→3)-β-D-glucan, present in
particulate matter less than 10 micrometers
(PM10), in
workers of a landfill facility (LF) and control
populations of nonoccupationally exposed individuals
living around the facility. Methods. After an
environmental characterization, we conducted a cross-sectional
study using Stata to evaluate inflammatory
markers in 58 males between ages 18 and 40: 24 LF workers
and 34 males living around the site. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and 8
(IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), white blood
cell (WBC) count, percentages of lymphocytes,
neutrophils and monocytes were analyzed with
standardized methods in relation to those working in LF and
living in downwind or upwind towns. Using Limulus
Amebocyte Lysate (LAL), we assess endotoxin and
(1→3)-β-D-glucan concentrations associated with
With regression models, adjusted by potential
confounders, we found that IL-6 and neutrophils were
significantly lower for LF workers compared with the upwind
population, otherwise lymphocytes are higher.
Lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes have to do with
endotoxin content in PM10.
Conclusions. We suppose that
endotoxin content in PM10
decreases immune response in landfill workers. This
suggests that inflammation could be at other levels. It
is important to use health and safety items during work
and to study particle quantity induced by urban
solid waste management.
Additional information Mexico16_Terrazas.pptx María Alejandra Terrazas-Meraz
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelo
A considerable number of time series can be
characterized by data-generating processes (DGP) that
may be affected by particular events that lead to
changes in the parameters. The new conditions for the
DGP may remain in place for a period of time until the
change is reversed to the previous state or until a new
event leads to a new state, with the corresponding
change in the parameters. In Stata 14, we introduce the
mswitch command to model those kinds of time series by
characterizing the transitions between unobserved states
with a Markov chain. I will briefly introduce the basic
concepts of Markov-switching models, and I will use a
couple of examples with Mexican data to illustrate the
implementation provided by mswitch.
Additional information Mexico16_Sanchez.pdf Gustavo Sanchez
StataCorp LP
Marginal effects are commonly used to interpret linear
and nonlinear regression models. Most simply, a marginal
effect (ME) computes the change in the outcome for a
fixed amount of change in one predictor while holding
other predictors constant. This presentation considers
a variety of nonstandard applications of MEs in a single
model and compares effects across models. For a single
model, MEs can be computed that allow proportional
changes in a predictor, changes in multiple predictors
that are mathematically linked (for example,
polynomials, interactions), and changes in multiple
variables that are substantively linked. When a
predictor is the product of several variables, such as
the BMI index, an ME can estimate the effect of changing
one component of the predictor while holding other
components constant. If odds ratios are viewed as MEs,
one can compute odds ratios when a variable is included
as a polynomial or when nonlogit models (for example,
probit) are used. To compare effects across models, one
can use MEs when comparing regression coefficients is
inappropriate or misleading. For example, regression
coefficients from logit models should not be used to
compare the effects of a predictor across groups, but
MEs can be compared. Or while comparing regression
coefficients across nested models is a common method of
interpretation in linear models, it is misleading in
nonlinear models where the comparison of MEs is
preferred. Each of these applications of MEs is explored
using the Stata commands margins, lincom, nlcom,
and suest, along with several SPost commands. For
simplicity, models for binary outcomes are used, but the
methods apply generally to other regression models.
Additional information Mexico16_Long.pdf J. Scott Long
Indiana University at Bloomington
In this talk, I will discuss how to implement maximum
likelihood and GMM estimators using Mata's main
optimization engine: moptimize. As examples, I implement
the linear regression model by maximum likelihood and a two-equation
system with endogenous variables by GMM.
Additional information Mexico16_Miranda.pdf miranda.tar (do-files) Alfonso Miranda
División de Economía, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
The analysis on stationarity of time series and the
simultaneous possibility of structural change is an easy
task to deal with Stata. Programming proposals in this
work are based on Bai and Perron (2003) and
Gómez-Zaldivar and Ventosa-Santaulària (2010). Four
possible scenarios are considered: Divergence,
catching-up (lagging behind), loose catching-up (loose
lagging-behind), and convergence with structural changes.
The use of Stata commands for dealing with convergence
problems of gross domestic product per capita in Mexico and income
inequality is shown. The sub-modules of a larger command
that includes several additional tests for stationarity
and structural change are applied as well.
Additional information Mexico16_Mendoza.pptx Alfonso Mendoza-Velázquez
Universidad Popular
Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Omar Stabridis-Arana
Centro de Investigación e
Inteligencia Económica (CIIE)
Tobacco consumption in adolescence is a public health
priority as well as an important risk that contributes
substantially to the growing epidemic of
nontransmissible diseases. Using Stata and
corresponding commands, we estimate the factors
associated with consumption of tobacco in adolescents
for a town from Morelos, Mexico, studying those with a high school
level of education. It is a cross-sectional
observational epidemiological study. The research was
conducted on 269 students during the 2014–2015 school
year. A self-applied detailed sociodemographic
database of characteristics and consumption of tobacco
questionnaire is used in the calculations. We found that
factors associated with consumption of tobacco are eased
if a friend offers smoking a cigar (OR = 4. 98 95% CI
1.9–12.95), alcohol consumption (OR = 2.51 95% CI
1.01–6.22), if exposed to smoking tobacco
in public places (OR = 2.44 95% CI 1.02–5.83), only
those with smoking friends is weakly significant (OR =
2.81 95% CI 0.94–8.38) and those who remain smoking
during the next 12 months (OR = 95% CI 0.93–6.28 2.41).
Additional information Mexico16_Ortega.pptx Paola Adanari Ortega-Ceballos, Edith Ruth Arizmendi-Jaime,
Miriam Tapia-Domínguez, and María Alejandra Terrazas-Meraz
Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Scientific committee
Alfonso Miranda
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE)
Luis Huesca Reynoso
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación
y Desarrollo, CIAD—Hermosillo
Benjamín Sexto
MultiON Consulting—Estadístico y especialista en Stata
Logistics organizer
The logistics organizer for the 2016 Mexican Stata Users Group meeting is MultiON Consulting S.A. de C.V., the distributor of Stata in Mexico, Latin America, and the Carribean.
View the proceedings of previous Stata Users Group meetings.