Home  /  Stata conferences  /  2025 Germany

Call for presentations

The 22nd German Stata Conference takes place on 28 March at the University of Hamburg. There will also be an optional workshop on 27 March.

Do you use Stata for your day-to-day work? Have you developed skills, or would you like to share your results and findings with others in the user community? Do you simply want to meet fellow researchers and StataCorp developers? The Stata Conference is an international event that provides Stata users worldwide with the opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and information on new applications of the software. The conference language will be English because of the international nature of the meeting and the participation of non-German guest speakers.

Presentation guidelines

Presentations for any skill level are sought on topics that include

  • new community-contributed commands,
  • case studies of research or teaching using Stata,
  • discussions of data management problems,
  • reviews of analytic issues, and
  • surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields, etc.

For examples of past presentations, view the proceedings page.

Submitting your presentation

If you are interested in presenting, please submit an abstract by email to one of the scientific committee (max 200 words). Include a short, informative title. Indicate whether you wish to be considered for a 10-minute or 20-minute presentation (both to be followed by 5 minutes for questions).

Include your name, affiliation, and phone number. If your presentation has multiple authors, please identify the presenter.

The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2025.

Submit abstract

Scientific committee

Johannes Giesecke
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ulrich Kohler
Universität Potsdam
Christian Brzinsky-Fay
Universität Hamburg


Participants are asked to travel at their own expense. There conference fees cover costs for refreshments and lunch.

Conference fees
(VAT incl.)
Student Other
Conference only 20€ 45€
Workshop only 35€ 75€
Conference + workshop 50€ 100€

There will also be an optional informal meal at a restaurant in Hamburg on Friday evening at additional cost.

The registration deadline is 20 March 2025.

Register online

Visit the official conference page for more information.

Logistics organizer

The logistics organizer for the 2025 German Stata Conference is DPC Software GmbH, the official distributor of Stata in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

View the proceedings of previous Stata Conferences and Users Group meetings.