The first Brazilian Stata Users Group Meeting was December 2, 2016, but you can still interact with the user community even after the meeting and learn more about the presentations shared.
9:00–10:45 |
Not available
Invited speaker: Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho
FEA-USP e Insper
In recent years, the importance of economic evaluation in
social areas has been growing. The challenge has been
to evaluate the effectiveness of an action that may have an
explicit goal but an impact on different dimensions in the life
of a family or person. Thus this article aims, through the use
of Stata software, to show the applicability and potential of
the instruments of economic evaluation, particularly the
diff-diff method using matching, to understand the results of an
urban project in a low-income community in Brazil. The project
intends to eliminate housing precariousness that could result
in health and safety problems for the residents. We constructed
several indicators using information at the baseline of the
project and ex-post data collected seven years after the
beginning of the project. The indicators reflected
different dimensions of impact: improvement in the home
environment, in health, and in the perceptions of residents on
safe housing. With the construction of different control
groups, considering effects of contamination, we observed a
statistically significant impact on some indicators, despite
their low magnitude.
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machado-brazil16.pdf Danielle Carusi Machado
Faculdade de Economia da UFF
Background: Brazil's 1988 health reform resulted in a two-tier system represented by those with dual coverage—public and private—and those who rely solely on the public insurance—SUS. Several studies show that private insurance increases health service utilization levels, but can private coverage increase utilization regardless of the individuals' income? Methods: This study uses 1998 and 2008 PNAD data, assessing utilization across income and calculating concentration indexes as summary measures of inequality. Dependent variables' distributions across income are standardized by need using the indirect method. Concentration curves compare inequality over time, and decomposition analysis identifies inequality contributors. All the analyses, including data preparation, are done using Stata 13. Results: Physician services present low inequalities. SUS hospitalizations are rare but concentrated on the poor. Poor individuals are less likely to use private hospitals than the rich. In 1998, this was not the case, suggesting that insurers have developed mechanisms to deter hospital utilization for the poor. Conclusion: The Brazilian Private Insurance Regulatory Agency (ANS) should monitor utilization across income. Making ambulatory and inpatient only coverage available would increase options for consumers that could sort more appropriate coverage according to their capacity to pay and their health needs.
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werneck-brazil16.pdf Heitor Werneck
The following paper presents and briefly discusses
some arguments on the price asymmetry literature by applying the
most used methodologies to the case of the rice market in the
Brazilian economy. We assess the econometric models by
the aftermath of each of them to that specific case. The
results using the error correction model (ECT) indicated that
there is some asymmetry, but it is not possible to infer that
this asymmetry remains in the long run. Previous methodologies
also showed that upward and downward price movements between
these markets occurred in a different level and speed; the
variables are significantly different for both rising and
falling price phases, which demonstrates that the more
sophisticated models can indeed forecast results accurately,
shedding light on the output of prior models.
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dias-brazil16.pdf Jacques Henrique Dias
UE Maringá
José Luis Parré
UE Maringá
Waldemiro Alcântara da Silva Neto
UF Goiás
11:15–12:45 |
Count models represent an important part of an
econometrician's toolkit. Stata 14 presents a command suite
aimed at estimating count models, with an emphasis on its main
distributions (Poisson and Gamma–Poisson). However, not much
has been made of a related application of such models in Stata,
namely, zero-inflated models (ZIM). In this tutorial, we present
a detailed guideline related to ZIM estimation, with an
application to a dataset based on corruption practices among
United Nations' diplomats. In doing so, we want to illustrate
pitfalls related to analyses that ignore the presence of
excessive zeros in the dependent variable. The results reported
in this tutorial are important for emphasizing potential uses of
this new class of models in distinct areas of applied
econometric research. In our view, both researchers and
practitioners could obtain substantial gains and insight by
incorporating models with excess zeros in the dependent variable
in their toolkits.
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favero-brazil16.pdf Matheus Albergaria
Luiz Paulo Fávero
In health sciences, relevant issues are handled with complex
questionnaires, such as quality of life (QOL) and stress
evaluation instruments. These questionnaires oftentimes present
dozens of indicators under Likert scales. However, Likert scales
can be challenging to curb with an overarching "regression"
approach. What is more, ordinal in principle, they usually
present a skewed distribution even after the algebraic
transformation in 20-point or 100-point scales. The panoply of
scales leads to a plethora of criteria of normality. To approach
several questionnaires at once and, at the same time, to provide
reliable measures of association among them, the analysis may
rely on the standardization of the coefficients. We present a
strategy to work with complex stress and QOL questionnaires
assembled into an overarching model. For this case study, two
latent variables were created as reflective "exogenous"
indicators. The number of loadings was decreased by parceling
items by similarity and treating these parceled constructs as
endogenous variables. After performing the modeling in the total
sample (around 600 individuals), GOF tests of the original model
were compared with random subsamples. With this strategy,
the model's reliability as well as the performance of GOF parameters
under progressively smaller sample sizes was analyzed.
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santos-brazil16.pdf Marcos Antonio Almeida Santos
Universidade Tiradentes and Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
The International Center for Equity in Health (ICEH) excels at
providing highly reliable, standardized, disaggregated data for
several maternal, newborn, and child health indicators and at being
able to quickly process new indicators and deliver these results
for over 300 national household surveys representing around 100
countries. For the past five years, a platform for analyzing such
surveys was developed using Stata, making use of its powerful
programming language. The code must be flexible enough to allow
for variations in the variables, names, and categories. We use a
dataset for selecting the surveys to be analyzed and to assist
the platform with nonstandard information, such as country-specific
water sources and sanitation facilities. This
information is extracted by a subroutine that sweeps the raw
datasets and exports them to a spreadsheet for manual confirmation.
At first, the platform generates an intermediate dataset with
individual level data for each health indicator as a variable.
Then, it estimates coverage levels for each of the indicators
for population subgroups, taking into account the survey sample
design and saving additional statistics such as standard errors,
confidence intervals, and p-values. The platform regularly
calculates hundreds of indicators from hundreds of surveys.
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ferreira-brazil16.pdf Leonardo Zanini Ferreira
UF Pelotas
2:00–4:00 |
Not available
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feres-brazil16.pdf Invited speaker: José Gustavo Feres
Not available
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bilard-brazil16.pdf Debora Kusmierska Bilard
Consultora em inteligência de mercado, economia e finanças
Not available
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palialol-brazil16.pdf Bruno Toni Palialol
4:30–5:30 |
Stata 14 introduced a suite of commands for performing
Bayesian analysis directly in Stata. This presentation
will be a hands‐on demonstration of these commands
that will illustrate the full path of a Bayesian
analysis from specification of prior distributions
through use of MCMC chains to estimate the
model to assessment of the mixing and convergence
of the MCMC chain. Along the way, the
flexibility of Bayesian models as well as the
ways in which the analysis and
interpretation differ from their frequentist
counterparts will be illustrated.
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rising-brazil16.pdf Bill Rising
Scientific committee
Paula Pereda
Faculdade de Economia e
Administração da Universidade de São
Denisard Alves
Faculdade de Economia e
Administração da Universidade de São
Marcia Scazufca
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
Raphael Corbi
Faculdade de Economia e
Administração da Universidade de São
Jaqueline Oliveira
Rhodes College
Andrea Lucchesi
Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo
Logistics organizer

The logistics organizer for the 2016 Brazilian Stata Users Group meeting is Timberlake Analytics Brasil, the distributor of Stata in Brazil.
View the proceedings of previous Stata Users Group meetings.