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2000 Dutch Stata Users Group meeting

17 May 2000

Academie Gebouw

Utrecht University
Department of Social Sciences
Centrum Gebouw Zuid, room H018
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands

Original program announcement

Stata in the Netherlands

Jan Smit
Smit Consult

Use of Stata at a datacenter for clinical trails: planning, data-management, and data-analysis

Wim van Putten
Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center

Introduction to Stata Programming

William Gould

Earning and labor turnover in a dying firm. Data preparation and econometric analysis using Stata

Prof. Dr. Gerard (G.A.) Pfann
Maastricht University

Testing cross model hypotheses

Jeroen Weesie
Utrecht University

Design matrices in Stata

John Hendrikx
Nijmegen University

Plotting and fitting univariate distributions with long or heavy tails

Nick Cox
Durham University

Title to be announced

Dr. Maarten Sprengers

Report to users

William Gould
StataCorp President

Scientific organizers

Alexander Volovics, University of Maastricht

Jeroen Weesie, Utrecht University

Logistics organizers

Smit Consult, the official distributor of Stata in the Netherlands.