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Stata Conferences

Experience what happens when new and long-time Stata users from across all disciplines gather to discuss real-world applications of Stata. Stata Conferences provide an unparalleled opportunity for you to collaborate with Stata developers and connect with the inventive and creative user community.

2024 Stata Conference

1–2 August · Portland, Oregon

Explore the iconic Powell's City of Books, lose yourself in the stunning beauty of the International Rose Test Garden, savor the delectable flavors of the city's renowned food truck scene, and enjoy two days of networking and Stata discussion with the worldwide Stata community.

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Upcoming regional conferences

Program available

Chinese Stata Conference

Hosted by Beijing Uone Info & Tech Co., Ltd. (Uone-Tech)

19–20 August · Tianjin

“Frontier methods in econometrics and practical application of Stata software”, aiming to use cross-border thinking and methods to promote educational innovation and development in econometrics and other fields.

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Accepting presentation applications

Northern European Stata Conference

Hosted by Metrika Consulting AB and the Cancer Registry of Norway

10 September · Oslo

Representatives from StataCorp will attend and there will be an open-panel discussion where you may air your thoughts to Stata developers.

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Program coming soon

UK Stata Conference

Hosted by Timberlake Consultants

12–13 September · London

Experience what happens when new and long-time Stata users from all disciplines gather to discuss real-world applications of Stata. This will mark the 30th anniversary of the conference.

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Save the date!

Belgian Stata Conference

Hosted by Ritme, scientific solutions

15 November · Brussels

This is an international event that provides Stata users worldwide with the opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and information on new applications of the software.

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*Please be aware of any local health and travel requirements as outlined by the city or country you are traveling to. As these requirements are ever-changing, check back to the local Stata Conference host's page frequently.

Recent conferences

German Stata Conference

Hosted by by DPC Software GmbH

7 June · Mannheim

View proceedings

French Stata Conference

Hosted by Aix-Marseille Université School of Economics and Timberlake Consultants

23–24 May · Marseille

View proceedings

Italian Stata Conference

Hosted by TStat S.R.L.

9–10 May · Florence

View proceedings

Conference proceedings

Visit the proceedings page for information on past Conferences and Users Group meetings. The proceedings of the past Stata Conferences and Users Group meetings show available abstracts, presentations, and photos from these events. If you are interested in attending a Stata Conference but have never attended before, reading the proceedings is an excellent way to find out what to expect.

View proceedings

Why should you
attend a Stata Conference?


Gain valuable insights from top experts in their fields, alongside Stata's own researchers and developers. Enhance your Stata knowledge and discover new commands and best practices.


Explore diverse presentation topics such as new community-contributed commands, innovative teaching resources, integrating Stata with other software, and more.


Stata conferences unite users of all disciplines and experience levels, fostering connections and networking opportunities within the vibrant Stata community.