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Stata installation guide

These steps will guide you through the installation process, from downloading Stata to license setup.

Stata or StataNow

We show screenshots and instructions for StataNow, but any differences if you do not have StataNow are slight and will not cause confusion.

Before you install

  1. Make sure you have a License and Activation Key. Keep it with you while you install Stata.
  2. Determine from the License and Activation Key whether you should install Stata/MP, Stata/SE, or Stata/BE. If you have StataNow, you may see StataNow/MP, StataNow/SE, or StataNow/BE. The important part is to distinguish between MP, SE, and BE.
  3. If you received an .stcodes file, save the file where it can be imported during installation.

Installing Stata

Upgrading your Stata to a new edition »

Updating your license information »

Uninstalling Stata »

Stata Installation Qualification Tool »

If you have any difficulty with the installation process, contact technical support.