Home  /  Products  /  Features  /  Create PDF files with embedded Stata results

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  • Write paragraphs, images, and tables to PDF files

  • Add custom formatting to paragraphs, text, tables, and table cells

  • Embed results generated by Stata into PDF paragraphs and tables

  • Embed tables from a collection

  • Embed Stata graphs

Stata users often need to create Word, PDF, or HTML files to report on what they have done. Stata provides commands for doing that:

putpdfCreate PDF files
putdocxCreate Word documents
dyndocCreate HTML from Markdown

Here we tell you about putpdf.

Many organizations produce daily, weekly, or monthly reports that are disseminated as PDF (.pdf) files. Until now, a typical workflow might be to have an entire automated analysis in Stata followed by manual copying and pasting of results from Stata to Word or a LaTeX document that is then translated to a PDF.

Stata's putpdf command allows you to automate the production of PDF files. You can create files containing the following:

  • formatted paragraphs

  • tables

  • embedded output from Stata in paragraphs and tables

  • embedded Stata graphs (or any PNG or JPEG files)

And you can control page size, page breaks, and document orientation.

Let's see it work

Let's create this PDF file:


You can create do-files to automate the creation of files. You could create samplereport.do. We did. It contains

sysuse auto, replace

putpdf begin

// Create a paragraph
putpdf paragraph
putpdf text ("putpdf "), bold
putpdf text ("can add formatted text to a paragraph.  You can ")
putpdf text ("italicize, "), italic
putpdf text ("striketout, "), strikeout
putpdf text ("underline"), underline
putpdf text (", sub/super script")
putpdf text ("2 "), script(sub)
putpdf text (", and   ")
putpdf text ("bgcolor"), bgcolor("blue")
qui sum mpg
local sum : display %4.2f `r(sum)'
putpdf text (".  Also, you can easily add Stata results to your paragraph (mpg total = `sum')")

// Embed a graph
histogram rep
graph export hist.png, replace
putpdf paragraph, halign(center)
putpdf image hist.png

// Embed Stata output
putpdf paragraph
putpdf text ("Embed the output from a regression command into your pdf file.")
regress mpg price
putpdf table mytable = etable

// Embed Stata dataset
putpdf paragraph
putpdf text ("Embed the data in Stata's memory into a table in your pdf file.")
statsby Total=r(N) Average=r(mean) Max=r(max) Min=r(min), by(foreign): summarize mpg
rename foreign Origin
putpdf table tbl1 = data("Origin Total Average Max Min"), varnames  ///
        border(start, nil) border(insideV, nil) border(end, nil)

putpdf save myreport.pdf, replace

We could have typed the commands interactively to make the file, but we put them in a do-file so that it would be easy to reproduce or even update our report.

To produce the file, we typed

. do samplereport

Tell me more

Learn more about Stata's programming features.

Read more about how to Create a PDF file in the Reporting Reference Manual.