Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Third Edition |
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Comment from the Stata technical groupUsing Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Third Edition, by Kyle C. Longest, provides an excellent introduction to Stata for users who have never used statistical analysis software before. The book starts at square one, describing Stata's interface, how to import data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and how to use the Data Editor. Subsequent chapters show how to obtain descriptive statistics, create do-files, manage data, produce graphs, and perform basic analyses using analysis of variance and linear regression. Longest's book is noteworthy because it carefully blends Stata's menu system and dialog boxes on one hand and command syntax on the other, giving users a balanced view of how Stata can be used. The book sets aside more advanced details in boxes titled "A Closer Look", which can be skipped on first reading but provide additional information that users will want to know once they are comfortable with the basics. The third edition has been updated for Stata 15. New in this edition are overviews of merging and appending data and a demonstration of logistic regression. This book can be used as a supplemental textbook in both undergraduate and graduate social science courses on statistical methods to help students learn how to use Stata. Practitioners needing to learn Stata quickly will also find this book helpful. |
Table of contentsView table of contents >> Preface
Motivation and Purpose
About the National Study of Youth and Religion A Note on Versions A Note on Notation References Acknowledgments
About the Author
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Stata 15
What You See
Getting Started With Data Files
Opening and Saving Stata Data Files
Data Browser and Editor
Entering Your Own Data
Exercises Using Different Types of Data Files in Stata Appending Data Merging Data Types of Variables in Data Files Chapter 2: The Essentials
Intuition and Stata Commands
The Structure of Stata Commands
The 5 Essential Commands Variables if Statements Options Executing a Command Using the Command Window
Nonessential, Everyday Commands summary generate replace (if) recode
Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter drop/keep (if) describe display set more off Exercises Chapter 3: Do Files and Data Management
What Is a Do File?
Opening and Saving Do Files
Data Management Translation From the Command Window Getting the Most Out of Do Files
Working With Labels
Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Missing Data Using String Variables Saving Results Exercises PART II: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS WITH STATA
Chapter 4: Descriptive Statistics
Frequency Distributions
Histograms and Bar Graphs
Measures of Central Tendency and Variability
Box Plots
Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Exercises Chapter 5: Relationships Between Nominal and Ordinal Variables
Chi-Square Test
Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Measures of Association Elaboration Multivariate Bar Graphs Exercises Chapter 6: Relationships Between Different Measurement Levels
Testing Means
Confidence Intervals
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Testing a Specific Value (One-Sample t Test) Testing the Mean of Two Groups (Independent-Samples t Test) Testing Proportions Multivariate Means Graphss Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Exercises Chapter 7: Relationships Between Interval-Ratio Variables
Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Dichotomous (Dummy) Variables and Linear Regression Beyond Linear Regression Exercises Chapter 8: Enhancing Your Command Repertoire
Stata Help Files
Ways to Search and Access
Advanced Convenience Commands Structure and Language
tab, gen(newvar)
Expanding Stata's Capabilitesegen mark and markout alpha, gen(newvar) Summary of Commands Used in This Chapter Exercises Chapter Exercise Solutions
Alphabetical Command Index and Glossary
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