Intro substantive | Introduction to multiple-imputation analysis |
Intro | Introduction to mi |
Estimation | Estimation commands for use with mi estimate |
mi add | Add imputations from another mi dataset |
mi append | Append mi data |
mi convert | Change style of mi data |
mi copy | Copy mi flongsep data |
mi describe | Describe mi data |
mi erase | Erase mi datasets |
mi estimate | Estimation using multiple imputations |
mi estimate using | Estimation using previously saved estimation results |
mi estimate postestimation | Postestimation tools for mi estimate |
mi expand | Expand mi data |
mi export | Export mi data |
mi export ice | Export mi data to ice format |
mi export nhanes1 | Export mi data to NHANES format |
mi extract | Extract original or imputed data from mi data |
mi import | Import data into mi |
mi import flong | Import flong-like data into mi |
mi import flongsep | Import flongsep-like data into mi |
mi import ice | Import ice-format data into mi |
mi import nhanes1 | Import NHANES-format data into mi |
mi import wide | Import wide-like data into mi |
mi impute | Impute missing values |
mi impute chained | Impute missing values using chained equations |
mi impute intreg | Impute using interval regression |
mi impute logit | Impute using logistic regression |
mi impute mlogit | Impute using multinomial logistic regression |
mi impute monotone | Impute missing values in monotone data |
mi impute mvn | Impute using multivariate normal regression |
mi impute nbreg | Impute using negative binomial regression |
mi impute ologit | Impute using ordered logistic regression |
mi impute pmm | Impute using predictive mean matching |
mi impute poisson | Impute using Poisson regression |
mi impute regress | Impute using linear regression |
mi impute truncreg | Impute using truncated regression |
mi impute usermethod | User-defined imputation methods |
mi merge | Merge mi data |
mi misstable | Tabulate pattern of missing values |
mi passive | Generate/replace and register passive variables |
mi predict | Obtain multiple-imputation predictions |
mi ptrace | Load parameter-trace file into Stata |
mi rename | Rename variable |
mi replace0 | Replace original data |
mi reset | Reset imputed or passive variables |
mi reshape | Reshape mi data |
mi select | Programmer's alternative to mi extract |
mi set | Declare multiple-imputation data |
mi stsplit | Split and join time-span records for mi data |
mi test | Test hypotheses after mi estimate |
mi update | Ensure that mi data are consistent |
mi varying | Identify variables that vary across imputations |
mi xeq | Execute command(s) on individual imputations |
mi XXXset | Declare mi data to be svy, st, ts, xt, etc. |
noupdate option | The noupdate option |
Styles | Dataset styles |
Technical | Details for programmers |
Workflow | Suggested workflow |
Glossary | |
Combined author index | |
Combined subject index |