This manual includes features that are part of StataNow™.
Intro | Introduction to causal inference and treatment-effects estimation |
Causal inference commands | Introduction to causal inference commands |
DID intro | Introduction to difference-in-differences estimation |
didregress | Difference-in-differences estimation |
didregress postestimation | Postestimation tools for didregress and xtdidregress |
eteffects | Endogenous treatment-effects estimation |
eteffects postestimation | Postestimation tools for eteffects |
etpoisson | Poisson regression with endogenous treatment effects |
etpoisson postestimation | Postestimation tools for etpoisson |
etregress | Linear regression with endogenous treatment effects |
etregress postestimation | Postestimation tools for etregress |
hdidregress | Heterogeneous difference in differences |
hdidregress postestimation | Postestimation tools for hdidregress and xthdidregress |
mediate | Causal mediation analysis |
mediate postestimation | Postestimation tools for mediate |
stteffects | Treatment-effects estimation for observational survival-time data |
stteffects intro | Introduction to treatment effects for observational survival-time data |
stteffects ipw | Survival-time inverse-probability weighting |
stteffects ipwra | Survival-time inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment |
stteffects postestimation | Postestimation tools for stteffects |
stteffects ra | Survival-time regression adjustment |
stteffects wra | Survival-time weighted regression adjustment |
tebalance | Check balance after teffects or stteffects estimation |
tebalance box | Covariate balance box |
tebalance density | Covariate balance density |
tebalance overid | Test for covariate balance |
tebalance summarize | Covariate-balance summary statistics |
teffects | Treatment-effects estimation for observational data |
teffects intro | Introduction to treatment effects for observational data |
teffects intro advanced | Advanced introduction to treatment effects for observational data |
teffects aipw | Augmented inverse-probability weighting StataNow |
teffects ipw | Inverse-probability weighting |
teffects ipwra | Inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment |
teffects multivalued | Multivalued treatment effects |
teffects nnmatch | Nearest-neighbor matching |
teffects postestimation | Postestimation tools for teffects |
teffects psmatch | Propensity-score matching |
teffects ra | Regression adjustment |
telasso | Treatment-effects estimation using lasso |
telasso postestimation | Postestimation tools for telasso |
teoverlap | Overlap plots |
xthdidregress | Heterogeneous difference in differences for panel data |
xthdidregress postestimation | Postestimation tools for xthdidregress |
Glossary | |
Combined author index | |
Combined subject index |