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Using Stata Automation

You can write Microsoft Windows applications to interact with Stata via Automation.

The following topics are discussed.

1. What is Stata Automation?

Automation (formerly known as OLE Automation) is a communication mechanism between Microsoft Windows applications. It provides an infrastructure whereby Windows applications (Automation clients) can access and manipulate functions and properties implemented in another application (Automation server). A Stata Automation object exposes internal Stata methods and properties so that Windows programmers can write Automation clients to directly use the services provided by Stata.

In Stata 13, Stata Automation Object is updated to version 1.1 from version 1.0. See details of the changes in secton 3.15.

2. When is Stata Automation beneficial?

A Stata Automation object is most useful for situations that require the greatest flexibility to interact with Stata from community-contributed Windows applications. A Stata Automation object enables users to directly access Stata macros, scalars, saved results, and datasets in ways besides the usual log files.

3. Create a Microsoft Windows application to interact with Stata via Automation

3.1 Install Stata Automation object

To use a Stata Automation object, the type library has to be registered after Stata is installed on a Microsoft Windows machine.

To register the Stata Automation type library on a Windows non-Vista machine, do the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select Run, enter cmd, and click OK.
  2. Change the directory to the directory with the Stata executable.
  3. Type StataSE /Register or StataSE /Regserver.

To register the Stata Automation type library on Windows Vista, do the following steps:

  1. In the installation directory, right-click on the Stata executable, for example, StataSE.exe. Choose "Create Shortcut".
  2. Right-click on the newly created "Shortcut to StataSE.exe", choose "Property", and change the Target from "C:\Program Files\Stata13\StataSE.exe" to "C:\Program Files\Stata13\StataSE.exe" /Register. Click "OK".
  3. Right-click on the updated "Shortcut to StataSE.exe"; choose "Run as administrator".

The following steps will unregister the Stata Automation type library:

  1. From the Start menu, select Run, enter cmd, and click OK.
  2. Change the directory to the directory with the Stata executable.
  3. Type StataSE /Unregister or StataSE /Unregserver.

To manually register the type library, do the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu, select Run, enter cmd, and click OK.
  2. Change the directory to the directory with the Stata executable.
  3. Type StataSE /Register or StataSE /Regserver.

3.2 Load Stata Automation object into your project via early binding

For VB.NET or C#:

  1. In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, select the project.
  2. On the Project menu, choose Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog box opens.
  3. Select the COM tab.
  4. In the top pane, select the component name stata.

See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7314433t(VS.80).aspx for more information.

  1. In the application, you may create a Stata Automation object as follows:
            dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()	

3.3 Load Stata Automation object via late binding

For VBScript, the user may use the VBScript method CreateObject() to load a Stata Automation object as follows:

        dim stataobj
        set stataobj=CreateObject("stata.StataOLEApp")

Note: Stata Automation is a single-use out-of-process server. This means that creating a new Automation object will launch a new instance of Stata. It is strongly recommended that your software create one Stata Automation object and use it through the execution.

3.4 Control Stata’s display mode

When a Stata Automation object is created, the Stata main window is displayed. Method UtilShowStata() could be used to hide or minimize the Stata main window.

        ' create a Stata Automation object and Stata is launched 
        ' and will be visible. 
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        ' hide Stata
        MsgBox("Stata is hidden")
        ' minimized Stata
        MsgBox("Stata is minimized")
        ' restored Stata
        MsgBox("Stata is restored")
        stataobj = Nothing

3.5 Release Stata Automation objects

The programmer must release the Stata Automation object to avoid memory leaks.

        stataobj = nothing

        set stataobj = nothing	

3.6 Run Stata commands

The programmer may submit a Stata command from the client to Stata via Automation in two ways. One way uses DoCommand(), and the other uses DoCommandAsync(). DoCommand() returns the return code after the command is finished in Stata and it blocks the client during execution. DoCommandAsync() executes a command asynchronously.

DoCommand() returns the Stata return code from executing the Stata command. A nonzero value means that execution of the command failed.

DoCommand() ignores Stata command exit. The method returns error code 10001 for Stata command program define, while, forvalues, foreach, and input. The programmer who uses Stata Automation needs to pay attention to Stata methods and programs that might block Stata for further user input. Because the Stata window may be hidden or minimized, the end user will not be able to type commands into the Stata Command window. Note: program define, while, forvalues, foreach, and input can still be used inside do- or ado-files.

        dim rc as Integer
        dim stataobj as new stata.StataOLEApp()
        rc = stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        if rc = 0 then
                rc = stataobj.DoCommand("regress mpg price")
                ' do error handling
        end if
        stataobj = nothing

3.7 Run Stata commands asynchronously

DoCommandAsync() executes a command asynchronously. It copies the Stata command into a queue and then returns immediately. The command will be executed by Stata when appropriate. The method is equivalent to typing in the Stata Command window. The method has a major advantage over DoCommand(): the user may submit program define, while, forvalues, foreach, and input.

Because the method executes the Stata command asynchronously, the user must be careful about mixing it with DoCommand() and synchronizing the client and server. Sometimes the programmer must make sure that the command submitted via DoCommandAsync() has finished before proceeding to the next operation.

        dim stataobj as new stata.StataOLEApp()
        ' program define will fail in DoCommand()
        stataobj.DoCommandAsync("program define myreg")
        stataobj.DoCommandAsync("regress mpg price")
        stataobj.DoCommandAsync("sysuse auto, clear")
        stataobj = nothing

Here we give an example of determining whether Stata has finished executing a command. The method to use is UtilIsStataFreeEvent(). It monitors the status of Stata and sends an OnFinish event to the client when Stata finishes the execution.

        ' to use WithEvents, stataobj cannot have local scope
        Public WithEvents stataobj As stata.StataOLEApp
        Public IsStataFree As Boolean

        Private Sub testCommandAsync()
                Dim eN As Integer
                Dim obs As Integer
                Dim var As Integer

                ' create Stata Automation object
                stataobj = New stata.StataOLEApp()

                IsStataFree = False
                obs = 50000
                var = 100
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("set more off")
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("set seed 12345")
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("set mem 400M")

                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("local obs " & obs)
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("local var " & var)
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("set obs `obs'")

                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("gen y = 0")
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("qui forval i=1/`var' {")
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("gen x`i' = runiform()")
                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("replace y= y+`i'*x`i'")

                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("regress y x*")
                ' make Stata monitor its own status and fire an OnFinish event
                ' when above commands are finished. The OnFinish event is 
                ' listened and handled by stataobj_OnFinish().
                While IsStataFree = False
                End While
                ' Because the value of e(N) depends on the execution of 
                ' it is very important to make sure the -regress- has finished.
                ' Otherwise, eN will not get the correct value. 
                eN = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("e(N)")
                MsgBox("using DoCommandAsync e(N) = " & eN)

                stataobj = Nothing
        End Sub

        Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
        System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        End Sub

        ' handles OnFinish event.
        Private Sub stataobj_OnFinish(ByVal noCommand As Integer) Handles
                IsStataFree = True
        End Sub

3.8 Make Stata stop what it is doing

It is useful to have a way to stop Stata when it is executing a long command. There are two ways to do so.

If Stata is visible, the user can stop the execution by clicking the Break button (the button with the big red X) or by holding down Ctrl and pressing the Pause/Break key.

The method UtilSetStataBreak() can also break the execution. Using UtilSetStataBreak() with DoCommand() can be tricky because DoCommand() blocks the client. Hence, the client needs a worker thread to run DoCommand(), and it uses UtilSetStataBreak() from the main thread. On the other hand, using UtilSetStataBreak() with DoCommandAsync() is easy.

Here is an example. DoCommandAsync() sends a long command to Stata. The user could cancel the execution by clicking the cancel button.

        ' the lengthy command sent to Stata is to execute the following do-file,
        ' test.do	 
        '       // test.do
        '       clear
        '       set more off
        '       set seed 12345
        '       set mem 200M
        '       local obs 50000
        '       local var 100
        '       set obs `obs'
        '       gen y=0
        '       qui forval i=1/`var' {
        '		gen x`i' = runiform()
        '		replace y= y+`i'*x`i'
        '       }
        '       regress y x*
        '       //end of test.do
        ' to use WithEvents, stataobj cannot have local scope
        Public WithEvents stataobj As stata.StataOLEApp
        Public IsStataFree As Boolean

        Private Sub testCommandAsync()
                ' create Stata Automation object
                stataobj = New stata.StataOLEApp()

                stataobj.DoCommandAsync("do test.do")
                ' make Stata monitor its own status and fire an OnFinish event
                ' when above commands are finished. 
                While IsStataFree = False
                End While
                stataobj = Nothing
        End Sub

        Private Sub butCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
        System.EventArgs) Handles butCancel.Click
                If stataobj Is Nothing Then
                        ' do nothing
                End If
        End Sub

3.9 Get macros, scalars, and saved results from Stata

3.9.1 Get macros from Stata

Method MacroValue() gets the value of a macro from Stata. The macro value is returned as a string. If the macro with the specified name cannot be found, the method returns an empty string.

The name of a local macro needs to be prefixed with “_” when it is submitted via MacroValue(), because Stata automatically prefixes local macros with “_”.

        Imports System

        ' get macro 
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim mGlobal, mLocal As String
        stataobj.DoCommand("global mGlobal = ""test global macro""")
        stataobj.DoCommand("local mLocal = ""test local macro""")

        ' get global macro mGlobal
        mGlobal = stataobj.MacroValue("mGlobal")
        ' get local macro mLocal. Note: local macro name need have a "_" prefix.
        mLocal = stataobj.MacroValue("_mLocal")
        Console.WriteLine("global macro mGlobal : " & mGlobal & ";" & "local 
        > macro mLocal : " & mLocal & vbCrLf)
        ' if the macro name is wrong, MacroValue returns empty string.
        mLocal = stataobj.MacroValue("mLocal")
        Console.WriteLine("local macro mLocal with wrong name(returns empty
        > string): " & mLocal)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.9.2 Get scalars from Stata

Methods ScalarNumeric() and ScalarString() get the value of a scalar from Stata. Method ScalarType() determines whether the scalar is numeric or string.

        Imports System
        ' get scalar
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        stataobj.DoCommand("scalar na=10")
        stataobj.DoCommand("scalar sa=""this is a test""")
        Dim na As Double
        Dim sa As String
        Dim type As Integer
        ' type = 0 : the scalar with the name is not found.
        '        1 : the scalar with the name is numeric.
        '        2 : the scalar with the name is string.
        type = stataobj.ScalarType("na")
        If type = 1 Then
            Console.WriteLine("scalar na is of numeric type")
        End If
        na = stataobj.ScalarNumeric("na")    ' na is 10 now
        sa = stataobj.ScalarString("sa")     ' sa is "this is a test" now 
        Console.WriteLine("numeric na=" & na & "; string sa=" & sa)
        ' get the scalar with wrong data type
        sa = stataobj.ScalarNumeric("sa")    ' sa is Stata missing value now
        na = stataobj.ScalarString("na")     ' na is 0 now, because it has the 
                                             ' double value casted from an 
                                             ' empty string.
        Console.WriteLine("wrong type:numeric na=" & na & ";string sa=" & sa)
        ' test for nonexistent scalars 
        na = stataobj.ScalarNumeric("not_exist")    ' na is misval
        sa = stataobj.ScalarString("not_exist")     ' sa is empty string
        Console.WriteLine("not exist: numeric na=" & na & ";string sa=" & sa)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.9.3 Get saved results from Stata

Methods StReturnNumeric() and StReturnString() get the value of a saved result from Stata. Method StReturnType() determines whether the saved result is numeric or string. Section 3.11 discusses the saved result matrix.

        Imports System
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        ' get saved return and type

        ' Types of return:
        '   15 - numeric
        '   3059 - string

        Dim c_current_date As String
        Dim c_current_date_type As Integer
        Dim c_max_matsize As Integer
        Dim c_max_matsize_type As Integer
        Dim c_maxdouble As Double
        Dim c_maxdouble_type As Integer

        c_current_date = stataobj.StReturnString("c(current_date)")
        c_current_date_type = stataobj.StReturnType("c(current_date)")
        c_max_matsize = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("c(max_matsize)")
        c_max_matsize_type = stataobj.StReturnType("c(max_matsize)")
        c_maxdouble = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("c(maxdouble)")
        c_maxdouble_type = stataobj.StReturnType("c(maxdouble)")

        Console.WriteLine("current_date type:" &c_current_date_type & ";" )
        Console.WriteLine("current_date:" & c_current_date & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine("max_matsize type:" &c_max_matsize_type & ";" )
        Console.WriteLine("max_matsize:" & c_max_matsize & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine("maxdouble type:" & c_maxdouble_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("max_double:" & c_maxdouble & vbCrLf)

        ' get e return
        Dim e_N As Integer
        Dim e_N_type As Integer
        Dim e_F As Double
        Dim e_F_type As Integer
        Dim e_depvar As String
        Dim e_depvar_type As Integer
        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        stataobj.DoCommand("regress mpg price")
        e_N = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("e(N)")
        e_N_type = stataobj.StReturnType("e(N)")
        e_F = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("e(F)")
        e_F_type = stataobj.StReturnType("e(F)")
        e_depvar = stataobj.StReturnString("e(depvar)")
        e_depvar_type = stataobj.StReturnType("e(depvar)")

        Console.WriteLine("e(N) type:" & e_N_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("e(N):" & e_N & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine("e(F) type:" & e_F_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("e(F):" & e_F & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine("e(depvar) type:" & e_depvar_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("e(depvar):" & e_depvar & vbCrLf)

        ' get r return
        Dim r_N As Integer
        Dim r_N_type As Integer
        Dim r_mean As Double
        Dim r_mean_type As Integer
        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        r_N = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("r(N)")
        r_N_type = stataobj.StReturnType("r(N)")
        r_mean = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("r(mean)")
        r_mean_type = stataobj.StReturnType("r(mean)")

        Console.WriteLine("r(N) type:" & r_N_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("r(N):" & r_N & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine("r(mean) type:" & r_mean_type & ";")
        Console.WriteLine("r(mean):" & r_mean & vbCrLf)

        stataobj = Nothing

3.10 Handle Stata missing value

Stata system missing value “.” is represented by an arbitrarily large positive value. Any number greater than or equal to this value will be treated as a missing value in Stata. There are two ways to determine whether a number will be treated as a missing value.

Method UtilIsStMissingValue(double valueToCheck) returns True if the valueToCheck is greater than or equal to the Stata system missing value.

Programmers can also use the method UtilGetStMissingValue() to get a local copy of the Stata system missing value and then compare numbers with it in the client side. This way saves future round trips of sending data to the Stata server.

        Imports System
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim misVal, misVal1, misVal2 As Double
        Dim isMissing As Boolean

        misVal = stataobj.UtilGetStMissingValue()
        isMissing = stataobj.UtilIsStMissingValue(misVal)
        If isMissing = True Then        ' is True
            Console.WriteLine(misVal & " is treated as missing." & vbCrLf)
        End If

        misVal1 = 5.0E+307
        isMissing = stataobj.UtilIsStMissingValue(misVal1)
        If isMissing = False Then       ' is false
            Console.WriteLine(misVal1 & " is not treated as missing." & vbCrLf)
        End If

        misVal2 = 2 * misVal1
        isMissing = stataobj.UtilIsStMissingValue(misVal2)
        If isMissing = True Then        ' is True
            Console.WriteLine(misVal2 & " is treated as missing." & vbCrLf)
        End If
        stataobj = Nothing

3.11 Get matrix from Stata

Method MatrixData() returns a Stata matrix as a one-dimensional double array. The size of the array is the number of entries in the matrix. The method returns the full matrix even for a symmetric matrix.

Methods MatrixRowDim() and MatrixColDim() return the number of rows and the number of columns of the matrix, respectively. Methods MatrixRowNames() and MatrixColNames() return the row names and the column names of the matrix in a string array.

        Imports System
        ' get matrix
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim eV As Double()
        Dim i, j, t As Integer
        Dim row, column As Integer
        Dim rowNames, columnNames As String()

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        stataobj.DoCommand("regress mpg price")
        ' get number of rows of e(V)
        row = stataobj.MatrixRowDim("e(V)")
        ' get row names of matrix e(V)
        rowNames = stataobj.MatrixRowNames("e(V)")
        ' get number of columns of e(V)
        column = stataobj.MatrixColDim("e(V)")
        ' get column names of matrix e(V)
        columnNames = stataobj.MatrixColNames("e(V)")
        ' get matrix
        eV = stataobj.MatrixData("e(V)")

        ' display matrix 
        Console.WriteLine("matrix e(V)[" & row & ", " & column & "]" & vbCrLf)
        ' display column header
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,20}", ""))
        For i = 0 To column - 1
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,20}", columnNames(i)))
        For i = 0 To row - 1
            ' display row header
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-20}", rowNames(i)))
            t = i * column
            For j = 0 To column - 1
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,20}", eV(t).ToString("e8")))
                t = t + 1
        MsgBox("Got matrix information for e(V)")
        stataobj = Nothing

3.12 Get data information from Stata

3.12.1 Get variable index and name

Method StVariableIndex() returns the index of the variable given the name. If the variable with the name is not found, StVariableIndex() returns −111.

Method StVariableName() returns the name of the variable given the index. A valid variable index is greater than or equal to 1 and is less than or equal to the number of variables. If the variable index is not valid, StVariableName() returns an empty string. Method VariableNameArray() returns a string array of all variable names.

        Imports System
        ' get variable index
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim varIndex As Integer

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get the variable index of make
        varIndex = stataobj.StVariableIndex("make")
        Console.WriteLine("make-variable index:" & varIndex & vbCrLf)
        ' if the variable cannot be found
        varIndex = stataobj.StVariableIndex("not_exist")
        Console.WriteLine("not_exist-variable index:" & varIndex & vbCrLf)

        ' get variable name
        Dim varName As String
        ' get the first variable name
        varName = stataobj.StVariableName(1)
        Console.WriteLine("var 1 name:" & varName & vbCrLf)
        ' get the last variable name
        varName = stataobj.StVariableName(12)
        Console.WriteLine("var 12 name:" & varName & vbCrLf)
        ' try an out-of-range variable index 
        varName = stataobj.VariableLabel("13")
        Console.WriteLine("var 13 (out of range) name:" & varName & vbCrLf)

        ' get all variable names in an array
        Dim varNames As String()
        Dim i As Integer
        ' get all variable names
        varNames = stataobj.VariableNameArray()
        For i = 0 To varNames.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("var " & i + 1 & " name:" & varNames(i) & vbCrLf)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.12.2 Get variable data type

Method VariableType() returns an integer that represents the data type of the variable. Possible data type values include the following:

        0:      type not defined
        1-244:  string variable 
        251:    byte
        252:    integer
        253:    long integer
        254:    float
        255:    double

The result can be compared with the values in stata.StataVariableTypes enum type.

Method VariableTypeArray() returns a data type array for all variables.

        Imports System
        ' get variable data type
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim varType As Byte

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get the type of make
        varType = stataobj.VariableType("make")
        ' vartype for make is 18. Test against stata.StataVariableTypes   
        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstUndef Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type undefined")
        End If

        If varType <= stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString And varType >= 1 Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type string.")
        End If

        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstByte Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type byte")
        End If

        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstInt Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type integer")
        End If

        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstLong Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type long")
        End If

        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstFloat Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type float")
        End If

        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstDouble Then
            Console.WriteLine("data type double")
        End If
        ' get the type of price
        varType = stataobj.VariableType("price")
        ' vartype for price is 252, which corresponds to integer.
        Console.WriteLine("var price-data type:" & varType & vbCrLf)
        ' vartype is 0 if it cannot be found.
        varType = stataobj.VariableType("not_exist")
        Console.WriteLine("var not_exist-data type:" & varType & vbCrLf)

        ' get data type array for all variables
        Dim varTypes As Byte()
        Dim i As Integer

        ' get the types of all variables
        varTypes = stataobj.VariableTypeArray()
        For i = 0 To varTypes.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("var " &i+1&"-data type:" & varTypes(i) & vbCrLf)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.12.3 Get variable label

Method VariableLabel() returns the label of a variable. Method VariableLabelArray() returns labels for all variables.

        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim varLabel As String

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get the variable label of make
        varLabel = stataobj.VariableLabel("make")
        Console.WriteLine("var make-label:" & varLabel & vbCrLf)
        ' test for nonexistent variables
        varLabel = stataobj.VariableLabel("not_exist")
        Console.WriteLine("var not_exist-label:" & varLabel & vbCrLf)

        ' get variable labels for all variables
        Dim varLabels As String()
        Dim i As Integer

        ' get all variable labels
        varLabels = stataobj.VariableLabelArray()
        For i = 0 To varLabels.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("var " &i+1& "-label:" & varLabels(i) & vbCrLf)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.12.4 Get value label

Method VariableValLabel() returns the value label for a variable. It returns the empty string if the variable does not have a value label.

Method VariableValLabelArray() returns a one-dimensional string array for all value labels for all variables.

A value label contains several value–label pairs. Method VariableValLabelCount() returns the number of value–label pairs in a value label. Method VariableValLabelValueArray() returns an integer array of all values in a value label. Method VariableValLabelLabelArray() returns a string array of all labels in a value label.

        Imports System
        ' test value labels
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim valLabelName As String
        Dim varIndex As Integer

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get the value label of variable foreign
        varIndex = stataobj.StVariableIndex("foreign")
        If varIndex > 0 Then
            ' get the variable value label
            valLabelName = stataobj.VariableValLabel(varIndex)
            ' valLabelName is -origin-
            Console.WriteLine("var foreign-value label:"&valLabelName& vbCrLf)
        End If

        ' get the value label of variable make
        varIndex = stataobj.StVariableIndex("make")
        If varIndex > 0 Then
            ' get the variable value label
            valLabelName = stataobj.VariableValLabel(varIndex)
            ' valLabelName is empty string
            Console.WriteLine("var make-value label:" & valLabelName & vbCrLf)
        End If

        Dim valLabelNames As String()
        Dim i As Integer

        ' get the value labels
        valLabelNames = stataobj.VariableValLabelArray()
        For i = 0 To valLabelNames.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("value label-"&i+1& &valLabelNames(i)& vbCrLf)

        ' value label origin has two values, 0 and 1, and one label for each value. 
        ' get the number of values in a value label
        Dim valCount As Integer
        valCount = stataobj.VariableValLabelCount("origin")
        Console.WriteLine("value label origin has " &valCount& " values"&vbCrLf)

        ' get each label
        Dim valLabel As String
        For i = 0 To valCount - 1
            valLabel = stataobj.VariableValLabelForValue("origin", i)
            Console.WriteLine("origin "&i+1& "-th label is: "&valLabel& vbCrLf)

        ' get all values in an array and all labels in another array
        Dim values As Integer()
        Dim labels As String()

        ' get all values in value label origin
        values = stataobj.VariableValLabelValueArray("origin")
        ' get all labels in value label origin
        labels = stataobj.VariableValLabelLabelArray("origin")
        For i = 0 To values.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("origin " &i+1& "-th value is: "&values(i)&vbCrLf)
            Console.WriteLine("origin " &i+1& "-th label is: "&values(i)&vbCrLf)
        stataobj = Nothing

3.13 Get data from Stata

3.13.1 Get data of one variable from Stata

Methods VariableData() and VariableDataFromName() return an observation array for a variable. The returned array contains variants. The array can be either string or double. Programmers need to determine the data type and make the correct type cast.

Both methods take the start observation index, startObs, and end observation index, endObs, as the second and the third arguments. Let nobs be the number of observations in the dataset. The following relations must hold for inputs:

  1. startObs ≥ 1
  2. endObsnobs
  3. startObsendObs

Otherwise, both methods produce an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and return a NULL array.

        Imports System
        ' get data from one variable
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim varName As String
        Dim varType As Integer
        Dim nobs As Integer
        Dim i As Integer

        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get the type and data of the first variable - make
        varName = stataobj.StVariableName(1)
        varType = stataobj.VariableType(varName)
        ' get number of observations
        stataobj.DoCommand("scalar nobs=_N")
        nobs = stataobj.ScalarNumeric("nobs")
        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstUndef Then
            ' undefined data type - do error handling
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If varType <= stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString And varType >= 1 Then
            ' string variable
            Dim varData As String()
            ' get all observations             
            varData = stataobj.VariableData(1, 1, nobs)
            For i = 0 To nobs - 1
                Console.WriteLine(i + 1 & ":" & varData(i) & vbCrLf)
        End If

        ' get the type and data of variable price
        varType = stataobj.VariableType("price")
        ' get number of observations
        stataobj.DoCommand("scalar nobs=_N")
        nobs = stataobj.ScalarNumeric("nobs")
        If varType = stata.StataVariableTypes.vstUndef Then
            ' undefined data type - do error handling
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If varType > stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString Then
            ' numeric variable
            Dim varData As Double()
            ' get all observations
            varData = stataobj.VariableDataFromName("price", 1, nobs)
            For i = 0 To nobs - 1
                Console.WriteLine(i + 1 & ":" & varData(i) & vbCrLf)
        End If
        stataobj = Nothing

3.13.2 Get data of many variables from Stata

Method VariablesData() returns a variant array of observations of several variables at once. The arguments of the method are

  1. startVariableIndex
  2. endVariableIndex
  3. startObservationIndex
  4. endObservationIndex

They must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. 1 ≤ startVariableIndexendObservationIndexnumberofVariables
  2. 1 ≤ startObservationIndexendObservationIndexnumberofObservation

Otherwise, the method produces an INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array. The method returns observations for all variables with index from startVariableIndex to endVariableIndex.

Because the variables may be both string and numeric, a variant array must be used instead of a regular two-dimensional array. To get the data for each variable, the programmer must do the following steps:

        ' declare dataArr as a variant array
        dim dataArr() as object 
        dim varType as integer
        dim i as integer
        ' get observations of variable 1 and 2
        dataArr = stataobj.VariablesData(1, 2, 1, 20)	
        dim dataString as String() 
        dim dataDbl as double()
        'find the data type of the first variable
        varType = stataobj.VariableType(1)
        ' suppose it is a string variable, assign the first element
        ' dataArr to a string array 
        dataString = dataArr(0)
        ' if it is numeric, assign it to dataDbl	
        ' then you may access each observation of the first variable through 
        ' elements of dataString
        for i=0 to dataString.length-1

Here is an example.

        Imports System
        ' get data of several variables at once
        Dim stataobj As New stata.StataOLEApp()
        Dim varName As String
        Dim varType As Integer
        Dim nobs As Integer
        Dim nvar As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer

        stataobj.DoCommand("set more off")
        stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto, clear")
        ' get number of observations and number of vars
        nobs = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("r(N)")
        nvar = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("r(k)")
        ' get data of variables from 1 to 3. Because there are both 
        ' string and numeric variables, we need to use the variant
        ' array.
        Dim varStart, varEnd As Integer
        Dim dataArr() As Object
        ' get data from variables from 1 to 3
        varStart = 1
        varEnd = 3
        dataArr = stataobj.VariablesData(1, 3, 1, nobs)
        ' display 
        For i = varStart To varEnd
            ' display var name
            varName = stataobj.StVariableName(i)
            Console.WriteLine(varName & vbCrLf)
            ' get varType
            varType = stataobj.VariableType(varName)
            If varType <= stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString And varType >= 1
            > Then
                ' string type
                Dim dataString As String()
                dataString = dataArr(i - varStart)
                ' display all data
                For j = 0 To nobs - 1
                    Console.WriteLine(j + 1 & ":" & dataString(j) & vbCrLf)
            End If

            If varType > stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString Then
                ' numeric type
                Dim dataDbl As Double()
                dataDbl = dataArr(i - varStart)
                ' display all data
                For j = 0 To nobs - 1
                    Console.WriteLine(j + 1 & ":" & dataDbl(j) & vbCrLf)
            End If
        stataobj = Nothing

3.14 Write Program using VBScript

According to Microsoft:

"The VBSCRIPT active scripting engine supplied by Microsoft only supports the indexing of SAFEARRAYs of VARIANTs. While VBSCRIPT is capable of accepting arrays of non-variant type for the purposes of boundary checking and passing it to other Automation objects, the engine does not allow manipulation of the array contents at this time."

Hence, if a script attempts to reference the elements of an array returned by a method such as MatrixRowNames(), the script engine reports: "Object doesn't support this property or method stata.MatrixRowNames()".

In order to solve this problem, the following methods are provided for programming in VBScript. The method for VBScript returns a variant array instead of returning an array of specific data type like the corresponding regular method does.

MatrixDataAsVariants() MatrixData()
MatrixRowNamesAsVariants() MatrixRowNames()
MatrixColNamesAsVariants() MatrixColNames()
VariableDataAsVariants() VariableData()
VariableDataFromNameAsVariants() VariableDataFromName()
VariablesDataAsVariants() VariablesData()
VariablesAllDataAsVariants() VariablesAllData()
VariableLabelAsVariants() VariableLabelArray()
VariableNameAsVariants() VariableNameArray()
VariableTypeAsVariants() VariableTypeArray()
VariableValLabelAsVariants() VariableValLabelArray()
VariableValLabelLabelAsVariants() VariableValLabelLabelArray()
VariableValLabelValueAsVariants() VariableValLabelValueArray()

Here is an example.


	' VBScript sample code
	dim stataobj
	set stataobj=CreateObject("stata.StataOLEApp")

	stataobj.DoCommand("sysuse auto")
	stataobj.DoCommand("regress mpg price")

	' get variable names as an array of variants
	dim varNames
	dim i
	varNames = stataobj.VariableNameAsVariants()
	For i=0 to 5
		msgbox "var " & i+1 & " " & varNames(i)
	' get variable labels as an array of variants
	dim varLabels 
	varLabels = stataobj.VariableLabelAsVariants()
	msgbox  "1st variable label =" & CStr(varLabels(0))

	' get the matrix column names as an array of variants
	dim colNames
	colNames = stataobj.MatrixRowNamesAsVariants("e(V)")
	For i=0 to 1 
		msgbox  "eV's " & i & "-th column name: " & CStr(colNames(i))

	' get matrix data as an array of variants.
	dim matentry
	matentry = stataobj.MatrixDataAsVariants("e(V)")
	For i=0 to 3
		msgbox  "eV's " & i & "-th = : " & matentry(i)
	' get value label -origin-'s values as an array of variants
	dim values  
	dim valcount
	valcount = stataobj.VariableValLabelCount("origin")
	values = stataobj.VariableValLabelValueAsVariants("origin")
	For i=0 to valcount-1 
		msgbox "Value label origin's " & i & "-th value=" & CInt(values(i))

	' get data as an array of variants
	dim make
	dim price
	make = stataobj.VariableDataAsVariants(1, 1, 5)
	price = stataobj.VariableDataAsVariants(2, 1, 5)
	For i=0 to 4
		msgbox  i+1 & "-th observation of variable make=" & make(i) 
		msgbox  i+1 & "-th observation of variable price=" & price(i)
	set stataobj=nothing

3.15 Stata Automation Object changes for Stata 13

In Stata 12, string types are

        storage       Maximum
        type          length         Bytes
        str1             1             1
        str2             2             2
         ...             .             .
         ...             .             .
         ...             .             .
        str244         244           244

In Stata 13, string types become

        storage       Maximum
        type          length         Bytes       
        str1             1             1
        str2             2             2
         ...             .             .
         ...             .             .
         ...             .             .
        str2045         2045           2045
        strL            2000000000     2000000000

Stata Automation Object in Stata 13 is updated to version 1.1 to work with the new string data types.

3.15.1 Coding issues for using version 1.1 The enum type stata.StataVariableTypes is not changed, but the meaning of it changes.

In version 1.0,

vstUndef: type not defined
1-vstString: string variable with maximum length of the value
vstByte: byte
vstInt: integer
vstLong: long integer
vstFloat: float
vstDouble: double

where vstString is 244.

In version 1.1,

1-(vstString-1): string variable with maximum length of the value
All string types str#, where #>=vstString, and strL are mapped to 
vstString for backward compatibility. Hence, you can no longer 
rely on the return value of VariableType() to determine the maximum
width of the string variable. The following functions in Stata Automation object change behavior between version 1.0 and 1.1.

VariableType(BSTR variableName,BYTE *variableType)
VariableTypeArray(BSTR variableName,BYTE *variableType) 

For all string types, str#, where #>=vstString, and strL are mapped to vstString for backward compatibility.

The following code still works:

If varType > stata.StataVariableTypes.vstString Then
	' numeric type
	' String type
End If

But you can no longer rely on the return value of VariableType() to determine the maximum width of the string variable.

The same changes apply to VariableTypeArray() and VariableTypeAsVariants().

    VariableData(LONG varNo, LONG obsStart, LONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariableDataAsVariants(LONG varNo, LONG obsStart, LONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariableDataFromName(BSTR variableName, ULONG obsStart, ULONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariableDataFromNameAsVariants(BSTR variableName, ULONG obsStart, ULONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariablesData(ULONG vStart, ULONG vEnd, ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariablesDataAsVariants(ULONG vStart, ULONG vEnd, ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data)
    VariablesAllData(ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data) 
    VariablesAllDataAsVariants(ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data) 

If the string variable type is str#, the function returns the full contents of the variable in VARIANT *data. If the string variable type is strL, the function returns the content up to 2,045 bytes or to the first binary 0, whichever is less, of each observation in the VARIANT *data.

    ScalarString(BSTR scalarName, BSTR *scalarValue) 

The function returns the string scalar content up to 2,045 bytes or to the first binary 0, whichever is less. New functions
VariableDataStrLFromName(BSTR variableName, LONG obs, VARIANT *data) 
VariableDataStrL(LONG varNo, LONG obs, VARIANT *data) 

	return strL data as a byte array in VARIANT *data

VariableIsStrLFromName(BSTR variableName, BYTE *isStrL) 
VariableIsStrL(ULONG var, BYTE *isStrL) 

	0 : not strL
	1 : strL

ScalarByteArray(BSTR scalarName, VARIANT *data)

	return strL data as a byte array in VARIANT *data

3.15.2 Compatibility and impact on existing code Existing code

The existing code will work for both version 1.0 and 1.1 if there are no assumptions or usage in the code that 244 is the maximum length of a string variable. For instance, all examples in the document work for both version 1.0 and 1.1. New code

If your code needs to be run on both version 1.0 and version 1.1, you may

  1. not use any new functions or
  2. use the following code to determine the version of Stata that your client code is running against, and use functions accordingly:
    Dim cV As Integer
    cV = stataobj.StReturnNumeric("c(stata_version)")
    If cV >= 13 Then
    	' verion 1.1, new functions are supported
    	' version 1.0, new functions are not supported
    End If Examples

strL.dta dataset contains one variable content, which has two observations. The first observation is an ASCII text string. The second observation is a binary GIF file.

stataobj.DoCommand("use mp.dta, clear")

Dim BytStr() As Byte
' Get the first observation as a byte array
BytStr = stataobj.VariableDataStrLFromName("content", 1)
Dim BytBinary() As Byte
' Get the first observation as a byte array
BytBinary = stataobj.VariableDataStrLFromName("content", 2)

Dim Str As String
' Convert the first observation to a String
Str = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(BytStr)
' Display the String in a RichTextBox
RtbMP.Text = Str
' Convert the second observation to a IO Stream
Dim BinStr As System.IO.Stream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(BytBinary)
' Display the image in a PictureBox
PicbMP.Image = Image.FromStream(BinStr)

For VBScript, you can use ADODB.Stream to work with the binary data.

dim stataobj
set stataobj=CreateObject("stata.StataOLEApp")

stataobj.DoCommand("use mp.dta, clear")
Dim BytBinary       
BytBinary = stataobj.VariableDataStrLFromName("content", 2)
Dim BinStr
Set BinStr = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
' Specify stream type to binary
BinStr.Type = 1
' Write binary data
BinStr.Write byt
' Save stream data to file
BinStr.SaveToFile "mp.gif", 2

3.16 Stata Automation Object changes for Stata 14

In Stata 14, the maximum number of observations is increased from 2,147,483,647 to 281,474,976,710,655 in 64-bit Stata/MP.

The number 281,474,976,710,655 is beyond the range of ULONG 0-4,294,967,295. The currently supported methods like VariableData() are not able to access the observations beyond 4,294,967,295. To deal with this, Stata OLE Automation Object is updated to version 1.2 and the following new methods are added:

VarDataBigObs(LONG variableIndex, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarDataBigObsAsVariants(LONG variableIndex, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarDataBigObsFromName(BSTR variableName, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarDataBigObsFromNameAsVariants(BSTR variableName, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarsDataBigObs(ULONG startVariableIndex, ULONG endVariableIndex, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarsDataBigObsAsVariants(ULONG startVariableIndex, ULONG endVariableIndex, DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarsAllDataBigObs(DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarsAllDataBigObsAsVariants(DOUBLE startObservation, DOUBLE endObservation, VARIANT *data)

VarDataBigObsStrL([in]ULONG var, DOUBLE obs, VARIANT *var)

VarDataBigObsStrLFromName(BSTR strVariableName, DOUBLE obs, VARIANT *var)

Note that startObservation, endObservation, and obs are doubles that allow you to specify integers beyond 4,294,967,295. They will be cast to integers in Stata; hence, 5.7 becomes 5.

Also note that the maximum size of array is 4,294,967,295; hence, it may not be possible to return all observations from a variable in a single method call even if there is plenty of memory.

4. List of Stata Automation methods and properties


DoCommand(BSTR stataCommand, LONG* stataErrorCode)


Execute a Stata command.


stataCommand: a string of Stata command.


stataErrorCode: value of the Stata return code from executing the Stata command. A nonzero return code means the execution of the command failed.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

  1. The stataCommand is of type BSTR, which could contain multiple NULL characters. The method works for a BSTR containing only one string terminated with a NULL. The method will not work properly if the BSTR contains multiple NULL characters. The caller (client) must avoid passing in BSTR with embedded NULL characters.

  2. The length of the stataCommand needs to be less than 8192. If it is not, an INVALID_PARAMETER error will be generated.

  3. The method ignores Stata command exit. The method returns code 10001 for Stata command program define. If Stata is in hidden mode, the method returns code 10001 for while, forvalues, foreach, and input. The method returns 10001 for any command that blocks Stata for further user input because Stata is hidden, and the user has no way to type commands into the Stata Command window.


DoCommandAsync(BSTR stataCommand, LONG* stataErrorCode)


Execute a Stata command asynchronously. (The method copies the Stata command into a queue and then returns immediately. The command will be executed by Stata when it is its turn.)


stataCommand: a string of the Stata command.


stataErrorCode: the return code is always zero because the command is only copied into the queue.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


Because the method executes the Stata command asynchronously, knowing whether a Stata command has finished before starting the next operation is sometimes important. The programmer could use the UtilIsStataFreeEvent() method to check whether a command has finished execution. See http://www.stata.com/automation/, section 3.7, for details.


MacroValue(BSTR macroName, BSTR *macroValue)


Get the value as a BSTR for a Stata macro with macroName.


macroName: a BSTR of the macro name.


macroValue: the value of the macro as a string.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

Note: The name of local macro must be prefixed by “_”; i.e., to get the value of macro defined in Stata by local lm="test", the programmer needs to call the method as value=stataobj.MacroValue("_lm").


ScalarType(BSTR scalarName, LONG *scalarType)


Determine whether the scalar is numeric or string.


scalarName: scalar name as a BSTR.


scalarType: type of the scalar as an integer. Possible values are

0: not found
1: numerical
2: string



The length of the scalar name must be less than 32; otherwise, the name will be truncated.


ScalarNumeric(BSTR scalarName, Double *scalarValue)


Get the value of a numerical scalar.


scalarName: the scalar name.


scalarValue: the value of the scalar.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: cannot be found or is a string scalar.

E_FAIL: Stata error when trying to load the scalar from memory.

  1. The length of the scalar name must be less than 32; otherwise, the name will be truncated.

  2. If the scalar cannot be found or has a string value, a NULL BSTR will be returned.


ScalarString(BSTR scalarName, BSTR *scalarValue)


Get the value of a string scalar.


scalarName: the scalar name.


scalarValue: the string value of the scalar.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: cannot be found or is a numeric scalar.

E_FAIL: Stata error when trying to load the scalar.

  1. The length of the scalar name must be less than 32; otherwise, the name will be truncated.

  2. If the scalar cannot be found or has a numeric value, a misval will be returned.


StReturnType(BSTR returnName, LONG *returnType)


Determine the type of a Stata saved result.


returnName: the name of the saved result.


returnType: the return type. Possible values are

1: numeric return
2: string return
0: not found

S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

  1. The maximum length of the returnName is 32.

  2. The method cannot be used to identify a saved matrix return; for example, StReturnType("e(V)") returns 0 after regress.


StReturnNumeric(BSTR returnName, DOUBLE *returnValue)


Get the value of a numerical return.


returnName: the return name.


returnValue: the return value.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

  1. The maximum length of the return name is 32.

  2. If the specified return cannot be found or it is not of numeric type, the output is a misval.


StReturnString(BSTR returnName, BSTR *returnString)


Get the value of a string return.


returnName: the return name.


returnString: string value of the return.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.
  1. The maximum length of the return name is 32.

  2. If the specified return cannot be found or it is not of string type, the output is a NULL string.


MatrixData(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrix)


Get the data of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrix: a one-dimensional double array of the matrix entries.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

  1. The method returns the entries in the square matrix form for a symmetric matrix.

  2. The method returns a double array with the size matrix.row × matrix.column. The programmer could use methods MatrixRowDim() and MatrixColDim() to determine the number of rows and the number of columns of the matrix.

  3. The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.


MatrixDataAsVariants(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrix)


Get the data of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrix: a one-dimensional variant array of the matrix entries.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.

  1. The method returns the entries in the square matrix form for a symmetric matrix.

  2. These methods return a double array with the size matrix.row × matrix.column. The programmer could use methods MatrixRowDim() and MatrixColDim() to determine the number of rows and the number of columns of the matrix.

  3. The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.
  4. MatrixDataAsVariants() can be used in VBScript.


MatrixRowNames(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrixRowNames)


Get the row names of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixRowNames: a string array of the matrix row names.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.


MatrixRowNamesAsVariants(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrixRowNames)


Get the row names of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixRowNames: a variant array of the matrix row names.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method can be used in VBScript.


MatrixColNames(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrixColNames)


Get the column names of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixColNames: a string array of the matrix column names.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.


MatrixColNamesAsVariants(BSTR matrixName, VARIANT *matrixColNames)


Get the column names of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixColNames: a variant array of the matrix column names.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method can be used in VBScript.


MatrixRowDim(BSTR matrixName, LONG *matrixRowNo)


Get the number of rows of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixRowNo: number of rows of the matrix.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

  1. The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.

  2. The method returns −1 if the matrix is not found.


MatrixColDim(BSTR matrixName, LONG *matrixColNo)


Get the number of columns of a matrix.


matrixName: the matrix name.


matrixColNo: number of columns of the matrix.


S_OK: all is well.

E_FAIL: failed.

  1. The maximum length of the matrix name is 32.

  2. The method returns −1 if the matrix is not found.


StVariableIndex(BSTR variableName, LONG *variableIndex)


Get the index of a Stata variable.


variableName: the variable name.


variableIndex: variable index if the result is greater than 0, error code if the result is less than 0.


S_OK: all is well.

  1. The maximum length of the variable name is 32.

  2. The method returns −111 if the variable is not found.


VariableLabel(BSTR variableName, BSTR *variableLabel)


Get the label of a variable.


variableName: the variable name.


variableLabel: the variable label.


S_OK: all is well

  1. The maximum length of the variable name is 32.

  2. The method returns a NULL string if the variable cannot be found and an empty string if the variable has no label.


VariableLabelArray(VARIANT *variableLabels)


Get the labels of all variables.




variableLabels: a string array of all variable labels.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


If variable i does not have label, variableLabels[i−1] is an empty string.


VariableLabelAsVariants(VARIANT *variableLabels)


Get the labels of all variables.




variableLabels: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


If variable i does not have label, variableLabels[i−1] is an empty string.

The method can be used in VBSCript.


StVariableName(LONG variableIndex, BSTR *variableName)


Get the name of a variable.


variableIndex: the variable index.


variableName: the variable name.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: input argument is out of range.


The input argument must satisfy 1≤variableIndexnvar. Otherwise, the method returns a NULL string and produces an INVALID_PARAMETER error.


VariableNameArray(VARIANT *variableNames)


Get the names of all variables.




variableName: a string array of all variable names.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


Stata variable index starts from 1. The string array returned from the method starts from 0. Hence, the first variable’s name is in variableName[0].


VariableNameAsVariants(VARIANT *variableNames)


Get the names of all variables.




variableName: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


Stata variable index starts from 1. The string array returned from the method starts from 0. Hence, the first variable’s name is in variableName[0].

The method can be used in VBSCript.


VariableType(BSTR variableName,BYTE *variableType)


Get the data type of a variable.


variableName: the variable name.


A byte represents the variable data type. The stata.StataVariableTypes enum type has all possible data type values. They are

vstUndef: type not defined
1-vstString: string variable
vstByte: byte
vstInt: integer
vstLong: long integer
vstFloat: float
vstDouble: double

S_OK: all is well.


The method returns 0, which is the same as vstUndef if the variable cannot be found.


VariableTypeArray(VARIANT *variableTypes)


Get the data type array of all variables.




variableTypes: a data type array of all variables.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.



VariableTypeAsVariants(VARIANT *variableTypes)


Get the data type array of all variables.




variableTypes: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method can be used in VBScript.


VariableValLabel(LONG variableIndex, BSTR *valueLabelName)


Get the value label name of a variable.


variableIndex: variable index.


valueLabelName: the variable value label name.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index.


1. The method returns an empty string if the variable has no value label.

2. The method returns a NULL string if the variable index is invalid.


VariableValLabelArray(VARIANT *valueLabels)


Get the value labels of all variables.




valueLabels: a string array of the variable value label names.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


If variable i does not have value label, valueLabels[i−1] is an empty string.


VariableValLabelAsVariants(VARIANT *valueLabels)


Get the value labels of all variables.




valueLabels: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


If variable i does not have value label, valueLabels[i−1] is an empty string.

The method can be used in VBScript.


VariableValLabelCount(BSTR valueLabelName, LONG *count)


Get the number of values in a value label.


valueLabelName: the value label name.


count/: the number of values in the value label. Possible numbers are

  −1: error or too many values
    0: no value
n>0: number of values

S_OK: all is well.

  1. The method returns −1 if the number of values in a value label exceeds 65,536.

  2. The method returns −1 if valueLabelName is a NULL string or an empty string.


VariableValLabelValueArray(BSTR valueLabelName, VARIANT *value)


Get all values in a value label.


valueLabelName: the value label name.


value: an integer array of values in the value label.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: value label name is invalid.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method returns an integer array of all the values in a value label. The method VariableValLabelLabelArray() returns a string array of all the labels in a value label. Matching values and labels at the same index in both arrays gives you all the value–label pairs in a value label.


VariableValLabelValueAsVariants(BSTR valueLabelName, VARIANT *value)


Get all values in a value label.


valueLabelName: the value label name.


value: an array of values variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: value label name is invalid.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method returns an array of variants of all the values in a value label. The method VariableValLabelLabelAsVariants() returns an array of variants of all the labels in a value label. Matching values and labels at the same index in both arrays give you all the value–label pairs in a value label.

The method can be used in VBScript.


VariableValLabelLabelArray(BSTR valueLabelName, VARIANT *labels)


Get all labels in a value label.


valueLabelName: the value label name.


labels: a string array of all labels in a value label.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: value label name is invalid.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.



VariableValLabelLabelAsVariants(BSTR valueLabelName, VARIANT *labels)


Get all labels in a value label.


valueLabelName: the value label name.


labels: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: value label name is invalid.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The method can be used in VBScript.


VariableData(LONG varNo, LONG obsStart, LONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data)


Return observations from obsStart to obsEnd for a variable.


varNo: the variable index.
obsStart: start observation index.
obsEnd: end observation index.


data: a variant array. The array contains either a string array or a double array, depending on the data type of the variable.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤obsStartobsEndnobs and 1≤varNonvar; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array.


VariableDataAsVariants(LONG varNo, LONG obsStart, LONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data)


Return observations from obsStart to obsEnd for a variable.


varNo: the variable index.
obsStart: start observation index.
obsEnd: end observation index.


data: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤obsStartobsEndnobs and 1≤varNonvar; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array.

The method can be used in VBSCript.


VariableDataFromName(BSTR variableName, ULONG obsStart, ULONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data)


Return observations from obsStart to obsEnd for a variable.


variableName: name of the variable.
obsStart: start observation index.
obsEnd: end observation index.


dataSet: a variant array that contains either a string array or a double array, depending on the data type of the variable.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable or invalid observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method throws ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


VariableDataFromNameAsVariants(BSTR variableName, ULONG obsStart, ULONG obsEnd, VARIANT *data)


Return observations from obsStart to obsEnd for a variable.


variableName: name of the variable.
obsStart: start observation index.
obsEnd: end observation index.


dataSet: a array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable or invalid observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method throws ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

The method can be used in VBScript.


VariablesData(ULONG vStart, ULONG vEnd, ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data)


return observations from oStart to oEnd for variables from vStart to vEnd.


vStart: start variable index.
vEnd: end variable index.
oStart: start observation index.
oEnd: end observation index.


data: a variant array in which ith element contains a string or a double array, depending on the data type of the (i+vStart)th variable.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤vStartvEndnvar and 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array.


VariablesDataAsVariants(ULONG vStart, ULONG vEnd, ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data)


return observations from oStart to oEnd for variables from vStart to vEnd.


vStart: start variable index.
vEnd: end variable index.
oStart: start observation index.
oEnd: end observation index.


data: an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤vStartvEndnvar and 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array.

The method can be used in VBScript.


VariablesAllData(ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data)


return observations from oStart to oEnd for all variables.


oStart: start observation index.
oEnd: end observation index.


data: a variant array in which ith element contains a string or a double array, depending on the data type of the variable.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER and returns a NULL array.


VariablesAllDataAsVariants(ULONG oStart, ULONG oEnd, VARIANT *data)


return observations from oStart to oEnd for all variables.


oStart: start observation index.
oEnd: end observation index.


data: an array of variants in which each element is an array of variants.


S_OK: all is well.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: invalid variable index or observation index.

ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: system out of memory.


The input arguments must satisfy 1≤oStartoEndnobs; otherwise, the method produces an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error and returns a NULL array.

The method can be used in VBSCript.


UtilIsStataFree(LONG *status)


Check whether Stata has more commands to execute.





TRUE: Stata has no more commands to execute.
FALSE: Stata is executing a command or has commands waiting.


S_OK: all is well.


The method can be used as a polling method with DoCommandAsync().




Check whether Stata has more commands to execute. If it does send an OnFinish event back to the client.






S_OK: all is well.


The method files a work thread to monitor the status of Stata. It runs the OnFinish event in the Stata main thread after the work thread returns.


UtilIsStMissingValue(DOUBLE value, VARIANT_BOOL *bMissing)


Check whether a number will be treated as missing in Stata.


value: the number to be checked.



True if the value is greater than or equal to the Stata missing value.
False otherwise.


S_OK: all is well.


The method requires a round trip from the client to Stata for the value to be checked. If there are many numbers to be checked, you should use the next method, UtilGetStMissingValue(), to get the Stata missing value and do the checking in the client.


UtilGetStMissingValue(DOUBLE *misVal)


Get the number that represents the Stata missing value.




misVal: the Stata missing value.


S_OK: all is well.





set Stata break key to stop a lengthy Stata command execution.






S_OK: all is well.



UtilShowStata(USHORT mode)


Control the Stata display mode from client.


mode: Stata display mode. Possible values are

1: hide Stata
2: minimize Stata
else: show Stata




S_OK: all is well.


DoCommand() behaves differently when Stata is hidden.


UtilStataErrorCode(LONG *returnCode)


Get the return code.




returnCode: return code stored in Stata _rc.


S_OK: all is well.
