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Updates to Stata's Do-file Editor were introduced in Stata 11.

See the latest version of the Do-file Editor. See all of Stata's graphical user interface (GUI) features.

See the new features in Stata 18.


Do-file Editor

Stata’s Do-file Editor for Windows has been completely rewritten, making programming tasks simpler than ever.


Among the new features are

  • Syntax highlighting. Having command names, variables names, macro names, strings, operators, and other program elements in different colors allows you to spot syntax errors and bugs.
  • Code folding. Collapse code within forvalues, quietly, if/else, and other blocks of code. Focus on the code you are currently writing or debugging and hide everything else. In the Do-file Editor here, we know the code in the two if blocks is good, so we have the code folded—indicated by the plus signs inside the square boxes. Clicking on those boxes expands the code, showing the hidden lines.
  • Line bookmarks. Attach a bookmark to a line of code, and then quickly access that line later by using its bookmark.
  • No file-size limits. Use the Do-file Editor to examine large text files before importing them as datasets into Stata.

For a complete list of new features in the Stata GUI, click here.

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