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Updates to the Data Editor were introduced in Stata 11.

See the latest version of the Data Editor. See all of Stata's graphical user interface (GUI) features.

See the new features in Stata 18.


Data Editor


Stata’s new Data Editor makes viewing and manipulating your data easier than ever. New features and benefits include

  • A complete audit trail. Every action you perform in the Data Editor that affects the data generates a corresponding Stata command that could be run from the Command window or a do-file to replicate your work, promoting reproducible work.
  • A live view onto the data. You can now have the Data Editor open while you enter commands in the Command window, run do-files, use dialog boxes, edit graphs, etc. Changes to the data are reflected in the Data Editor as soon as Stata is done executing your command.
  • Multiple levels of undo. At any point while working in the Data Editor, you can take a “snapshot” of the data. Continue working. If you make a mistake or do not like your changes, revert to a previous snapshot.
  • Observation filtering. View only the observations you want by filtering based on if or in conditions. If you filter observations and change one or more of the variables in the expression, the view updates immediately. You can also view only the variables you want by hiding columns.

For a complete list of new features in the Stata GUI, click here.

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