// Connecting to MySQL #include // MySQL header file #include "stplugin.h" // Stata header file #include #include #include // Global MySQL results and connection MYSQL_RES *res ; MYSQL mysql ; STDLL stata_call(int argc, char *argv[]) { int get_results(void) ; int load_data(void) ; int write_data(void) ; ST_retcode rc = 0; // Must specify an argument to plugin if (argc) { // Check number of arguments passed to plugin if (argc > 1) { SF_error("too many options specified \n") ; return((ST_retcode) 198) ; } } else { SF_error("must specify the load, create, or write options \n") ; return((ST_retcode) 198) ; } //Option create was specified if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "create") == 0) { // Query database and get the data types for each variable rc = get_results() ; if (rc) { mysql_free_result(res) ; mysql_close(&mysql) ; return((ST_retcode) rc) ; } } //Option load was specified else if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "load") == 0) { // load the data from the database rc = load_data() ; if (rc) { mysql_free_result(res) ; mysql_close(&mysql) ; return((ST_retcode) rc) ; } } //Option write was specified else if (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "write") == 0) { // Write data to database rc = write_data() ; if (rc) { return((ST_retcode) rc) ; } } else { // Invalid option SF_error("option not allowed \n") ; return((ST_retcode) 198) ; } return 0; } int get_results() { int num_obs, num_vars, num_bytes ; char query[1024] ; char buff[16] ; char * stata_mac_vars ; char * stata_mac_types ; MYSQL_ROW row ; MYSQL_FIELD *field ; ST_retcode rc ; ST_double val = 0 ; // Create MySQL connection if(mysql_init(&mysql)==NULL) { SF_error("failed to initate MySQL connection\n") ; return 198 ; } // Connect to database stata_test if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"","user", "password","stata_test",3306,NULL,0)) { SF_error("error connecting to database\n") ; return 198 ; } // Query database strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM stata_test") ; rc=mysql_real_query(&mysql,query, strlen(query)) ; if (rc) { SF_error("error making query\n") ; return 198 ; } // Get results res=mysql_store_result(&mysql) ; num_vars = mysql_num_fields(res) ; num_obs = mysql_num_rows(res) ; // Allocate memory for arrays stata_mac_vars = malloc(num_vars*33*sizeof(char)) ; stata_mac_types = malloc(num_vars*12) ; *stata_mac_vars = '\0' ; *stata_mac_types = '\0' ; // Create array of variable names and data types while((field = mysql_fetch_field(res))) { strcat(stata_mac_vars, field->name) ; strcat(stata_mac_vars, " ") ; if (IS_NUM(field->type)) { // Numeric data strcat(stata_mac_types, "double ") ; } else { strcat(stata_mac_types, "str244 ") ; } } // Store variable names/types and observation number into Stata macro SF_macro_save("_vars", stata_mac_vars) ; sprintf(buff, "%i", num_obs) ; SF_macro_save("_obs", buff) ; SF_macro_save("_types", stata_mac_types) ; // Free memory free(stata_mac_vars) ; free(stata_mac_types) ; return 0 ; } int load_data() { int c,r ; char * endp ; MYSQL_ROW row ; MYSQL_FIELD *field ; ST_retcode rc ; ST_double val = 0 ; // Loop over rows/columns of MySQL result set for(r=1;r<=mysql_num_rows(res); r++){ row=mysql_fetch_row(res) ; if(row<0) break ; for(c=1;c<=mysql_num_fields(res);c++){ val = strtod(row[c-1], &endp) ; if (val) { val = strtod(row[c-1], &endp) ; if(rc = SF_vstore(c, r, val)) return(rc) ; } else { if(rc = SF_sstore(c, r, row[c-1])) return(rc) ; } } } return 0 ; } int write_data(void) { int c,r,max_len ; max_len = 33*SF_nvars() ; char query[40+max_len] ; char varnames[max_len] ; char vartypes[max_len] ; char buff[16] ; char *var = NULL ; char *type = NULL ; char *remove_comma ; ST_retcode rc ; ST_double val = 0 ; // Create MySQL connection if(mysql_init(&mysql)==NULL) { SF_error("failed to initate MySQL connection\n") ; return 198 ; } // Connect to database stata_test if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"","user", "password","stata_test",3306,NULL,0)) { SF_error("error connecting to database\n") ; return 198 ; } // Grab variable names from Stata macro myvars SF_macro_use("_myvars", varnames, max_len) ; // Build query strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO stata_test (") ; var = strtok(varnames, " ") ; // Insert varnames into query while (var!=NULL) { strcat(query, var) ; strcat(query, ",") ; var = strtok(NULL, " ") ; } remove_comma = strrchr(query, ','); *remove_comma = ')'; strcat(query, " VALUES(") ; // Insert values into query for(r=SF_in1();r<=SF_in2(); r++){ SF_macro_use("_mytypes", vartypes, max_len) ; type = strtok(vartypes, " ") ; if(SF_ifobs(r)) { for(c=1;c<=SF_nvars();c++){ if (strstr(type, "str")) { if(rc = SF_sdata(c,r,buff)) return(rc) ; } else { if(rc = SF_vdata(c,r,&val)) return(rc) ; sprintf(buff, "%g", val) ; } strcat(query, "'") ; strcat(query, buff) ; strcat(query, "'") ; strcat(query, ",") ; type = strtok(NULL, " ") ; } remove_comma = strrchr(query, ',') ; *remove_comma = ')' ; strcat(query, ",(") ; } } remove_comma = strrchr(query, ','); *remove_comma = '\0'; // Query database rc=mysql_real_query(&mysql,query, strlen(query)) ; if (rc) { SF_error("error making query\n") ; return 198 ; } return 0 ; }