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Re: st: Bug in estat teffects?
[email protected] (Vince Wiggins, StataCorp)
[email protected]
Re: st: Bug in estat teffects?
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:22:31 -0500
Dave Garson <garson@n> asks about finding the standardized
estimates using -estat teffects- after -sem-.
> [...]
> Whether I run the sem standardized or unstandardized, if in
> postestimation I ask for "estat teffects,standardized" the direct
> effect in question is always the unstandardized value (.73) and the
> partition is based on unstandardized values.
> [...]
It is easy to miss in the output, but the standardized estimates are
there. The unstandardized estimates appear where they always do --
under the "Coef" column. The standardized estimates appear in the far
right column.
-- Vince
[email protected]
------------ Original message ---------------------------
From: Dave Garson <[email protected]>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0
Subject: st: Bug in estat teffects?
Sender: [email protected]
Lines: 29
I am running a model with the sem command. One direct path in the model
has a value of .73 unstandardized or .34 standardized.
When total effects are partitioned into direct and indirect paths, "
Direct effects are the path coefficients in the model.", as per "help
sem teffects", which also states the "standardized (option) reports
effects in standardized form".
Whether I run the sem standardized or unstandardized, if in
postestimation I ask for "estat teffects,standardized" the direct effect
in question is always the unstandardized value (.73) and the partition
is based on unstandardized values.
To me this appears to be a bug in Stata, causing the "standardized"
option to be ignored. However, is any reader able to shed light on this?
I wish to do a standardized partition as I can in SPSS or SAS, and get
the same results. Before I tell my students that this is impossible in
Stata (except manually), I would like to check with the knowledge in
this group.
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