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st: using -mixed- with clustered data that includes probability weights

From   Stephen Henry <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: using -mixed- with clustered data that includes probability weights
Date   Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:55:58 -0800


I want to know whether I can used -mixed- in Stata 13.1 to analyze
clustered data that include probability weights.

My data were collected to study patients during clinic visits.
Each patient is unique, and patients are clustered within doctors.
In addition, patients were sampled based on an illness severity score.
Patients with more severe symptoms were over-sampled.
Patient sampling was done independent of which doctor was seeing the

I have been analyzing data using the -reg- command and cluster option as

reg v1 v2 v3 [pweight=weight], cluster(doctor_id)

However, I'd like to use -mixed- instead to take advantage of the
additional postestimation commands.

Stata will run the following command:

 mixed v1 v2 v3 [pweight=weight] || doctor_id:

but warns me that "Sampling weights were specified only at the first level
in a multilevel model."
Are my results with the -mixed- command potentially biased?  If so, is
there an easy way to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

Stephen Henry
University of California Davis
Sacramento, California
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