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st: Variable values as labels in matrix output???
"Kanter, Rebecca" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: Variable values as labels in matrix output???
Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:51:36 -0500
Dear Statalist,
If I have the following chi2-table that I want to write into a text file-how do I store the values of the variable (calls) into the row names; is there a local command or something I can include??-so far I have this, but it is missing the row names..
tempname holding
file open `holding' using "xxx.txt", write replace
foreach var of varlist calls {
local name : variable label `var'
tabulate `var' Genero if IDtag==1, chi2 matcell(cell)
local N = r(N)
local X = r(chi2)
local pvalue : display %-9.4f r(p)
file write `holding' ("`var'") _tab ("Males") _tab ("Females") _tab (`N') _tab ("`p'") _n
file write `holding' *WANT number of calls here* _tab (cell[1,1]) _tab (cell[1,2]) _n
file close `holding'
| Genero
calls | Masculino Femenino | Total
0 | 2 0 | 2
1 | 4 3 | 7
2 | 2 6 | 8
3 | 2 2 | 4
4 | 4 2 | 6
5 | 5 4 | 9
6 | 0 6 | 6
7 | 7 12 | 19
8 | 8 21 | 29
9 | 16 20 | 36
10 | 19 22 | 41
11 | 19 26 | 45
12 | 59 45 | 104
Total | 147 169 | 316
Rebecca M. Kanter, PhD
Visiting Research Fellow with LCIRAH:
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
*I am 5 hours after US time* (Please, Mind the gap)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of International Health
Center for Human Nutrition
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