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st: Propensity Score Matching Between 3 Groups

From   ir w <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Propensity Score Matching Between 3 Groups
Date   Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:01:53 +0000


I am trying to estimate a propensity score and then find the 
average treatment effect on the treated. However, my sample has 3 

Group A: Resides in intervention area, receives treatment
Group B: Resides in intervention area, doesn't receive treatment
Group C: Resides in non-intervention area, doesn't receive treatment

 is effectively like having 1 intervention group and 2 control groups: I
 want to calculate a propensity score for treatment between Groups A and
 B. I then want to apply this propensity score to Groups A and C to find
 the average treatment effect on the treated. 

I have seen this 
done in several economic papers, but never explained thoroughly. Is it 
possible to do this in Stata, and if so, how?

If it is relevant, I am using a logit model and psmatch2 to estimate the propensity score.

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