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Re: st: local macro

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: local macro
Date   Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:10:52 +0000

Mitch is essentially correct. Otherwise put,

1. If a macro doesn't exist, references to it are not illegal, but
Stata substitutes an empty string, or -- equivalently -- ignores the
reference. The first time a reference to `i' is seen, there is no such
macro, so the statement is interpreted as

rename d1t1 y

2. Conversely, assigning a macro an empty string is a way to destroy
it. (A macro is also destroyed, or disappears, when the corresponding
program terminates.)

I don't think it's quite true to imply that macros are initialised to
empty strings. Reversing the statement above, macros can't be empty
strings just as empty strings can't be macros, except in the flash of
their disappearance.

[email protected]

On 26 February 2014 04:18, Mitch Abdon <[email protected]> wrote:
> hi, rochelle.
> more appropriately, it is 'initialized' to nothing.
> in the first instance, `i' is nothing, not even zero. that's is why you get y not y0.
> in the next iteration, i is defined as i = `i' + 1 which is 1, thus the y1.. and so on.

On Feb 26, 2014, at 11:53 AM, R Zhang <[email protected]> wrote:

>> this might be a rudimentary question,
>> I saw the following code on UCLA stata cite
>> *********************************
>> input d1t1 d1t2 d1t3 d2t1 d2t2 d2t3 d3t1 d3t2 d3t3
>> 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 8
>> 3 4 5 4 5 4 3 4 5
>> end
>> generate id = _n
>> foreach v of varlist d1t1 d1t2 d1t3 d2t1 d2t2 d2t3 d3t1 d3t2 d3t3 {
>>  rename `v' y`i'
>>  local i = `i' + 1
>> }
>> *********************************
>> my question is:  is the i initialized to 0 (default), I ask because
>> the output is
>>      y   y1   y2   y3   y4   y5   y6   y7   y8   id
>>  1.  4    5    6    5    6    5    6    7    8    1
>>  2.  3    4    5    4    5    4    3    4    5    2
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