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st: Create a dummy variable meeting 2 conditions

From   Li <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Create a dummy variable meeting 2 conditions
Date   Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:43:48 -0500

Dear Statalist members,

     I have a question with regard to create a Dummy variable from two
variables. The coding of the two existing variables are as follows:

      Var1: ( 1=smoked over 100 cigars lifetime ; 2 = Not smoked 100
cigars lifetime; 3= don't know; 99=missing).
      Var2: (1=currently smoke every day; 2=currently smoke some days;
3=not smoking; 4=refuse to answer; 99=missing).

The new dummy variable I want to create needs to satisfy two
conditions: smoked over 100 cigars lifetime and currently smoking
everyday or some days, i.e.

New variable        1=current smoker (if Var1=1 & Var2=1 or 2);


                           . = Missing, don't know and refuse to
answer in Var1, Var2).

I know it is straightforward to use the "gen" in Stata to meet one
condition. I would appreciate if anyone shares how to incorporate the
conditions as above to make a new variable.

Thank you very much.

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