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Re: st: Re: rank regression
R Zhang <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Re: rank regression
Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:32:23 -0500
Hi John,
what do you mean by rank ordering to be roughly equidistant? please
excuse my ignorance.
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:05 AM, John Antonakis <[email protected]> wrote:
> If the dependent variable is a rank, where rank ordering does not seem to be
> roughly equidistant, then they should have used an ordinal probit or logisit
> estimator: -oprobit- or -ologisit-. If the independent variables are in the
> same boat (non equidistant), I would model them as dummies.
> Best,
> J.
> __________________________________________
> John Antonakis
> Professor of Organizational Behavior
> Director, Ph.D. Program in Management
> Faculty of Business and Economics
> University of Lausanne
> Internef #618
> CH-1015 Lausanne-Dorigny
> Switzerland
> Tel ++41 (0)21 692-3438
> Fax ++41 (0)21 692-3305
> Associate Editor:
> The Leadership Quarterly
> Organizational Research Methods
> __________________________________________
> On 24.02.2014 04:25, Joseph Coveney wrote:
>> Rochelle Zhang wrote:
>> a finance paper I was reading today uses rank regression , the author
>> states that they replace both the dependent variable and independent
>> variables by their respective ranks and evaluation the regression
>> using the ordinary least squares.
>> I searched "stata rank regression", and did not find anything. If you
>> have knowledge how to conduct such regression, please share.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> From your description, it sounds like the authors of the finance paper
>> were just computing Spearman's correlation coefficient. See the Spearman
>> section of the do-file's output below.
>> On the other hand, if there were two (or more) independent variables, then
>> they might have been doing what I call "Koch's nonparametric ANCOVA". See
>> the last section of the output below. You can read about it at this URL:
>> and the references
>> cited there. Scroll down until you come to the section that is titled,
>> "Extensions of the Rank Sum Test".
>> Joseph Coveney
>> . clear *
>> . set more off
>> . set seed `=date("2014-02-24", "YMD")'
>> . quietly set obs 10
>> . generate byte group = mod(_n, 2)
>> . generate double a = rnormal()
>> . generate double b = rnormal()
>> .
>> . *
>> . * Spearman's rho
>> . *
>> . egen double ar = rank(a)
>> . egen double br = rank(b)
>> . regress ar
>> Source | SS df MS Number of obs =
>> 10
>> -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 8) =
>> 0.64
>> Model | 6.13636364 1 6.13636364 Prob > F =
>> 0.4458
>> Residual | 76.3636364 8 9.54545455 R-squared =
>> 0.0744
>> -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared =
>> -0.0413
>> Total | 82.5 9 9.16666667 Root MSE =
>> 3.0896
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ar | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf.
>> Interval]
>> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
>> br | .2727273 .3401507 0.80 0.446 -.5116616
>> 1.057116
>> _cons | 4 2.110579 1.90 0.095 -.8670049
>> 8.867005
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> . test br
>> ( 1) br = 0
>> F( 1, 8) = 0.64
>> Prob > F = 0.4458
>> . // or
>> . spearman a b
>> Number of obs = 10
>> Spearman's rho = 0.2727
>> Test of Ho: a and b are independent
>> Prob > |t| = 0.4458
>> .
>> . *
>> . * Koch's nonparametric ANCOVA
>> . *
>> . predict double residuals, residuals
>> . ttest residuals, by(group)
>> Two-sample t test with equal variances
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Group | Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf.
>> Interval]
>> ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 0 | 5 1.018182 1.601497 3.581057 -3.428287
>> 5.464651
>> 1 | 5 -1.018182 .8573455 1.917083 -3.398555
>> 1.362191
>> ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
>> combined | 10 0 .9211324 2.912876 -2.083746
>> 2.083746
>> ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
>> diff | 2.036364 1.816545 -2.152596
>> 6.225323
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> diff = mean(0) - mean(1) t =
>> 1.1210
>> Ho: diff = 0 degrees of freedom =
>> 8
>> Ha: diff < 0 Ha: diff != 0 Ha: diff >
>> 0
>> Pr(T < t) = 0.8526 Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.2948 Pr(T > t) =
>> 0.1474
>> . // or
>> . pwcorr residuals group, sig
>> | residu~s group
>> -------------+------------------
>> residuals | 1.0000
>> |
>> |
>> group | -0.3685 1.0000
>> | 0.2948
>> |
>> .
>> . exit
>> end of do-file
>> *
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>> *
>> *
>> *
> *
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