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Re: st: Graph with Panel Data

From   Nirina F <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Graph with Panel Data
Date   Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:43:55 -0500

Thanks Nick. I appreciate.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> In turn, what do you think is distinctive about graphics for panel data?
> If the essence is having several panels over several time periods,
> then that is easy in principle but often a mess in practice. -xtline-
> is a dedicated command.
> Concretely in your case, 40 years is not a problem, but 120 countries
> is, beyond showing and trying to make sense of lots of spaghetti
> plots. You may need to select countries or think about appropriate
> reductions of your data.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 21 February 2014 19:30, Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Fine line between discussion forum and help line: do you know of a
>> guide book that helps with graphs for panel with stata please? Since I
>> seem to not get it from help graph using panel with stata.
>> Thanks
>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> You can check yourself whether something reached the list by looking
>>> at the archives.
>>> As often emphasised, this is a discussion forum, not a help line. If
>>> no one wants to pick up a question, it will just lie there.
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 21 February 2014 18:40, Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Did this email go through? Could anyone please help?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Sorry if I am sending this twice but I had an issue with my email.
>>>>> I have panel data and I am trying to graph the following.
>>>>> I have 120 countries and 40 years of data. Then I have a list of
>>>>> classifications of regions: western, southern etc....
>>>>> I also created a variable that groups the years into decades by
>>>>> recoding the year.
>>>>> I have a list of variables income, consumption that l called xvar in global.
>>>>> I collapsed the data by Country and decades
>>>>> I have another collapse by Country and year ( By the way, is there a
>>>>> way to go back to previous data without having to save the new
>>>>> collapsed data?)
>>>>> I have kept all the classification dummies while doing the collapse.
>>>>> I know I could do export my data and do the graphs with excel but
>>>>> Stata graphs look neater and beautiful so I was wondering if anyone
>>>>> could help.
>>>>> "I did read the statahelp but I somehow could not get the output graph
>>>>> I would like- My output looked messy"
>>>>> 1- I would like to get the sum of the variables xvars by
>>>>> classifications(southern)
>>>>> 2-I then would like to have a trend by year of the countries southern
>>>>> vs. non-southern (since it is a dummy) [I would like to see a solid
>>>>> line for southern through years and dotted lines for non-southern]
>>>>> 3- I would like to repeat the same graph but instead of by year, by decades.
>>>>> 4- I would like to do a stacked bar graph of 5 of my xvars by decades
>>>>> by classifications
>>>>> 4- I would like to do a stacked bar graph of 5 of my xvars by decades
>>>>> for just 4 countries and the graphs are next to each other.
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