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st: CI95% proportion data correlated clustered

From   Marcos Vinicius <[email protected]>
To   STATA LIST <[email protected]>
Subject   st: CI95% proportion data correlated clustered
Date   Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:44:01 -0800


I have a dataset where can be possible that I subject have more than one reported trauma
incident . .(example below). I would like only to describe the binary event (trauma) taking into
account the correlated data(cluster).
I am a Stata beginner . Does anyone know a stata code to conduct that analysis?
ID	trauma
1	1
1	0
1	1
1	0
1	1
2	0
2	0
2	1
2	1
3       0
4       1

Any help would be appreciated.

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