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Re: st: RE: sxpose -not possible; would exceed present limit on number of variables

From   R Zhang <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: sxpose -not possible; would exceed present limit on number of variables
Date   Wed, 19 Feb 2014 18:30:52 -0500


the data I posted is just one observation with 21 variable to show
what it looks like and what I want after transformation.  the actual
data  13,458 observation and 21 variables. I apologize for the


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Kieran McCaul <[email protected]> wrote:
> ...
> The data you have looks like the following, is that correct?
> input str20 v1 v2
> EntityID 100091
> corpid1 8101
> begyr1 1961
> gvkey1 1000
> endyr1 1970
> corpid2 8091
> begyr2 1971
> gvkey2 1000
> endyr2 1973
> corpid3 8011
> begyr3 1974
> gvkey3 1001
> endyr3 2000
> corpid4 8011
> begyr4 1974
> gvkey4 1001
> endyr4 2000
> corpid5 8011
> begyr5 1974
> gvkey5 1001
> endyr5 2000
> end
> This dataset has 21 observations and 2 variables.
> You say your data has 21 variables and 13,458 observations.  If it is in the form above, then your data had 21 observations and 13,458 variables.
> Your version of Stata has a limit to how many variables you can read in:  You are exceeding it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of R Zhang
> Sent: Thursday, 20 February 2014 5:06 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: sxpose -not possible; would exceed present limit on number of variables
> Hi Statalisters,
> My data has 13,458 observation and 21 variables.
> EntityID corpid1 begyr1 gvkey1 endyr1 corpid2 begyr2 gvkey2 endyr2
> corpid3 begyr3 gvkey3 endyr3 corpid4 begyr4 gvkey4 endyr4 corpid5
> begyr5 gvkey5 endyr5
> 100091 8101 1961 1000 1970 8091 1971 1000 1973 8011 1974 1001 2000
> 8012 2000 1001 2002 8012 2003 1001 2005
> for each unique EntityID, the corresponding gvkey and corpid could vary over time as indicated by begyr and endyr,
> what I want is a dataset that give me the gvkey and corpid for each time period, so I can match it to another dataset that has company specific financial data , the match variable will be gvkey, year.
> as of now, i thought I should reshape the data, Someone on the forum kindly offered me the following program to reshape my data. sample code (see below) works for his hypothetical data, but when i ran with my data (13,458 observation and 21 variables.). I got an error "not possible; would exceed present limit on number of variables", could you shed light on this?
> *****************
> input str20 v1 v2
> EntityID 100091
> corpid1 8101
> begyr1 1961
> gvkey1 1000
> endyr1 1970
> corpid2 8091
> begyr2 1971
> gvkey2 1000
> endyr2 1973
> corpid3 8011
> begyr3 1974
> gvkey3 1001
> endyr3 2000
> corpid4 8011
> begyr4 1974
> gvkey4 1001
> endyr4 2000
> corpid5 8011
> begyr5 1974
> gvkey5 1001
> endyr5 2000
> end
> compress
> sxpose, clear firstnames force
> reshape long corpid begyr gvkey endyr, i(EntityID) j(pd)
> ***********************
> what I ultimately want is :
> EntityID corpid year gvkey
> 100091 8101 1961 1000
> 100091 8101 1962 1000
> 100091 8101 1963 1000
> 100091 8101 1964 1000
> 100091 8101 1965 1000
> 100091 8101 1966 1000
> …
> 100091 8091 1971 1000
> 100091 8091 1972 1000
> 100091 8091 1973 1000
> 100091 8091 1974 1000
> p.s if you think there is a better way , please also share.
> thanks!!!
> -R
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