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Re: st: extracting coefficients from an -estimates- table
daniel klein <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: extracting coefficients from an -estimates- table
Thu, 13 Feb 2014 17:53:08 +0100
Ariel, I might misunderstand or simplify the problem at hand, but you
get this difference (and an additional significance test) from
. regress price c.mpg##i.foreign
. di _b[1.foreign#c.mpg]
Ask for a straight forward way, in the sense of e.g. -get()-, to
extract the values from -r(coef)-, I am not aware of such a command.
What you want is probably programmable with a few lines of code,
though. We would of course need a more detailed explanation beyond the
stylized example to illustrate the point.
Hi All,
I would like to extract some values from stored estimates, but I am not sure
if there is a straightforward way other than extracting the values from the
r(coef) matrix? In the example below, I'd like to do the equivalent of :
domestic[mpg] - foreign[mpg]
. sysuse auto
. regress price mpg if foreign==0
. estimate store domestic
. regress price mpg if foreign==1
. estimate store foreign
. estimate table domestic foreign
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