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st: svy mlogit, margins, vce(uncontional)

From   BENSIDOUN Isabelle <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: svy mlogit, margins, vce(uncontional)
Date   Wed, 12 Feb 2014 09:08:14 +0000

Dear Stata list members,

When I try to do the following, that is to get margins after mlogit with svy

local i=2
while `i'<=4{
use "$path1\elms`i'"
set more off
su e9
sca me9=r(mean)
gen e9cor=e9/me9
svyset [iw=e9cor]

global stat= "e3b agec e5b edu e13"
foreach VAR of varlist $stat {
tab `VAR', gen(`VAR'd)
svy : mlogit e15ag agecd1 agecd3 edu2-edu5 e5bd1-e5bd2 e5bd4-e5bd5 e3bd2 e3bd4-e3bd11 e13d1 if e3b!=1, base(3)
esto FppI`i'p

forvalues j=1/ 3{
est res FppI`i'p
margins, dydx(*) predict (outcome(`j')) subpop(if e3b!=1 & e15ag !=. & edu!=.) vce(unconditional) post
 esto mFppI`i'`j'p
local i = `i'+1

I get this message:

svyset characteristics disagree with the svy estimation results

and I really don't understand what is wrong with my code. Is anyone has a suggestion ?

Thank you in advance,

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