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st: rounding values in a large subset of variables

From   Emeline Gauthiez <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: rounding values in a large subset of variables
Date   Tue, 11 Feb 2014 15:43:25 +0100

Dear members of statalist,

I am a very new user of stata, facing a few problems.

I have a large subset of variables all starting with the prefix eg_rs*,
with values between
0 and 2 I would like to round them all to 0, 1 or 2. (see example (actual
dataset is much larger))

I tried with the replace function :
replace eg_rs*=round(eg_rs*)

but it doesn't work...

-example begin-

What I have :
id    eg_rs2660    eg_rs3452    eg_rs7894
1001  1            0.99         0.85
1002  0            1            2
1003  2            1.99         1
1004  1.12         2            2
1005  0.3          0            1
1006  1            0            0.78

What I'd like :
id    eg_rs2660    eg_rs3452    eg_rs7894
1001  1            1            1
1002  0            1            2
1003  2            2            1
1004  1            2            2
1005  0            0            1
1006  1            0            1

-example end-

Any help will be very much appreciated, thanks!

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