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st: Montly data - remove month from x-axis and keep year only
"Kathrin Jacobs" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Montly data - remove month from x-axis and keep year only
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 12:36:16 +0100 (CET)
Dear Statalisters,
I have a time series plot that I constructed using the "twoway" function. My question is the following: I have monthly data, but I just want the year to show up in the x-axis.
My time variable is formatted as %tmMon_CCYY.
My x-axis currently looks like this: January 2000, January 2001, ..., January 2014 with minor ticks for the months
I would like to have it labelled as 2000 2001,...,2014 centered over the minor ticks:
2000 2001 2002
I have tried various options, but if I add the %ty format, I have strange values (0480 0500 0520 ...) instead of years on the axis
tsline consumption xlabel(,format(%ty)) tmtick(##12)
Does anyone know how to do this?
I'd greatly appreciate your help
Thank you,
Kathrin Jacobs
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