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st: Using arguments in a global macro

From   "Kate Ivanova" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Using arguments in a global macro
Date   Sun, 9 Feb 2014 20:17:40 -0500


I am interested whether it is possible to include a command line argument in
a global macro. So far, I have tried to do that but it does not seem to
work. What I have looks approximately like this:

global x "var1 var2 `var'"
program prog1
               args var
               gen var3=1          
               reg depvar $x, noconstant
prog1 var3

My "var3" variable is actually not a constant but I just used the simplest
example to illustrate my point. When I run this program, I get the
regression results but "var3" is simply omitted.

I would appreciate any help with this. If I need to clarify my question,
please let me know.


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