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Re: st: semicolon in local, under delimit ;

From   David Kantor <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: semicolon in local, under delimit ;
Date   Fri, 07 Feb 2014 12:17:57 -0500

Thanks to both Nicks for the suggestions.

I note that the technique of building up a local macro with pieces in " ", as in the response from Nick Cox, works fine under -delimit ;-, even with embedded semicolons, as long as you don't use compound quotes.
Also the command inside the loop,
   local foo `" `foo' "`f`j''" "'
works fine under -delimit ;-, even with embedded semicolons -- noting that during its iteration it would appear to expand to include compound quotes and embedded semicolons. The explanation is that the command is parsed once, prior to the iterations; the embedded semicolon does not appear at that stage.

The suggestion by Nick Winter to use /// is helpful in some situations, but it doesn't work in the middle of a macro evaluation.
Nor is /*


At 05:34 PM 2/6/2014, you wrote:
This recipe shows one technique for building up a local macro with
pieces in " ":

local foo
local f1 just waking up
local f2 stretch and groan
local f3 stuff
local f4 breakfast

forval j = 1/4 {
    local foo `" `foo' "`f`j''" "'

mac li

_foo:            "just waking up" "stretch and groan" "stuff" "breakfast"
_f4:            breakfast
_f3:            stuff
_f2:            stretch and groan
_f1:            just waking up

[email protected]

On 6 February 2014 21:32, David Kantor <[email protected]> wrote:

> I find that if I have...
> #delimit ;
> local m1  "abc;def";
> disp "`m1'";
> -- that works as expected, but...
> local m2  `"abc;def"';
> disp "`m2'";
> chokes on the -local- command. It appears to stop at the first semicolon,
> and renders an "invalid syntax" error.
> Apparently, the embedded semicolon signals the end of the command.
> Notice that this happens with compound quotes, but not with simple quotes.
> Does anyone have experience with this? -- a solution?
> I need to use compound quotes because the actual situation has a macro with
> components that have embedded spaces -- so that -foreach- will pick up
> segments of the macro having embedded spaces. Thus, for example,
> local m3 `""first item" "second item""'
> --is constructed so that -foreach- yields two pieces:
> first item
> second item
> --rather than four pieces:
> first
> item
> second
> item
> And the real-life application is too big to put on one line, so I use
> #delimit ;.
> It worked fine until I added an item having an embedded semicolon.
> I use Stata 10. (I plan to upgrade soon.)

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