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Re: st: panel data daily data, missing days, how to fill it up to full months(1-31)

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: panel data daily data, missing days, how to fill it up to full months(1-31)
Date   Thu, 6 Feb 2014 17:27:23 +0000

-tsfill- is for adding observations when certain dates have been
omitted, so are not present in the data. It is not for replacing
missing values that are present in the data.

You should show us enough of your data to make clear what the missing
values mean and explain how you expect them to be replaced.

[email protected]

On 6 February 2014 17:14, obba0001 <[email protected]> wrote:
> In my panel data, some people have recorded between 1-25 days of the month.
> some recorded from 3 to 31 days of the month. In addition to this, some of
> them are not measured for the same month, so in some months which there are
> 31 days and for some months there are 30 days. what i want is to create
> those missing days then i will do MI impute, but first i need to make the
> data ready for imputation.
> i used tsset to give you more information about my data:
>  panel variable:  id (unbalanced)
>         time variable:  day, 18aug2005 to 06jul2008
>                 delta:  1 day
> i tried tsfill with the full option but it didnt work.
> the message i got is:
> timevar (day) may not contain missing values when option full is specified
> i looked for that error but didnt understand how to modify the data in order
> to make this command work. I am a newbie, so i need your help.
> --
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