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st: Re: st: A “loop” to merge dataset with a different file each time?
Phil Clayton <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Re: st: A “loop” to merge dataset with a different file each time?
Wed, 5 Feb 2014 21:24:32 +1100
Your basic approach is to use a -forvalues- (or -foreach-) loop. See -help forvalues-. You also only need to -insheet- the master once, and I combined the -generate- commands to save a bit of time.
insheet using "C:\ DATA\uncertainty analysis\for meging.txt", clear
sort foodcode
save "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta", replace
forvalues i=1/1000 {
insheet using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\foodpricedata_`i'.txt" , clear
merge m:1 foodcode using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta"
generate Tghgecode = real( totalpricekg) * numberofportions
total Tghgecode
The next step would be to collate the results from these 1000 operations in a neat way. There are a few ways to do this. Probably worth testing the above code (eg in the first 20 datasets) before doing that.
On 5 Feb 2014, at 4:06 am, Kremlin Wickramasinghe <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to merge two datasets and run an analysis 1000 times in a loop. I want to write a do file to automate this analysis.
> My master dataset has nutrition information of different foods (with a unique food code for each food name). I want to merge it with another dataset which contain food price data for those food codes. I have food prices from 1000 different stores in 1000 different Excel sheets. I have saved them with filenames with a sequence from 1-1000. (foodpricedata_1 to foodpricedata_1000) . I want to write a do file to automate the process of
> a) Do m:1 merge using foodcode , but each time use a different food price data file.
> b) Run the analysis
> The following do file shows the steps of running this analysis twice, first time with the foodpricedata_1 and second time with the foodpricedata_2 files. I want to automate this to run 1000 times but each time using a unique file. I have seen tutorial on how to run a loop, but couldn’t find any resources on how to make it a loop using a different file in each time . I would be most grateful if someone could guide me on how to do this.
> Do File :
> insheet using "C:\ DATA\uncertainty analysis\for meging.txt", clear
> sort foodcode
> save "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta", replace
> insheet using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\foodpricedata_1.txt" , clear
> save "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\working.dta", replace
> sort foodcode
> merge m:1 foodcode using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta",
> *** Analysis***
> generate totalghgeR = real( totalpricekg)
> gen Tghgecode = totalghgeR * numberofportions
> total Tghgecode
> clear
> insheet using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\for meging.txt", clear
> sort foodcode
> save "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta", replace
> insheet using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\ foodpricedata_2.txt" , clear
> save "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\working.dta", replace
> sort foodcode
> merge m:1 foodcode using "C:\DATA\uncertianity analysis\master.dta",
> *** Analysis***
> generate totalghgeR = real( totalpricekg)
> gen Tghgecode = totalghgeR * numberofportions
> total Tghgecode
> clear
> End of Do file …..
> Best wishes
> Kremlin
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