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st: marginal effects after gmm estimation

From   "Anat (Manes) Tchetchik" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: marginal effects after gmm estimation
Date   Wed, 5 Feb 2014 02:28:19 +0200

Dear all,

I'm sorry for re-sending the question, I have looked in many sources
and haven't find the answer

I have a count data model of two eqns, and endogenous variables, which
I have estimated using  gmm (I have version 13.0)  as follows::

gmm ($abroad) ($home), inst(`x')inst( `Z')  twostep matrix(robust)

where the eqns, are Poisson models such that

$abroad for example is: abroad- exp({xb1: `E'} + {b0})"

I'm not sure how to calculate the marginal effects here
Do I have to calculate them manually such that. dy/dx= exp(xb)*b,

Can I use instead the ivpoisson gmm wihch allows for mfx ?

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