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Re: st: New commands -dmout- and -pctrim-
Amber Prakash <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: New commands -dmout- and -pctrim-
Tue, 4 Feb 2014 13:20:22 +0530
Thanks for those user commands...they help immensely. I was wondering if
there is a similar user command for comparing percentages or proportions
over two groups allowing multiple comparisons in one go?
Thanks again.
On 04/02/2014, Amber Prakash <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for those user commands...they help immensely. I was wondering if
> there is a similar user command for comparing percentages or proportions
> over two groups allowing multiple comparisons in one go?
> Thanks again.
> On 3 February 2014 20:46, Michael Barker <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thanks to Kit Baum, two new commands are available on the SSC archive:
>> -dmout- and -pctrim-
>> DMOUT: module to create difference-in-means tables.
>> dmout produces difference-in-means tables. Means of each variable in
>> varlist are compared across the values of the by() variable. dmout is
>> useful when comparing several variables across two groups, such as
>> treatment and control groups in an RCT, or attriters and non-attriters
>> in longitudinal data.
>> PCTRIM: module to trim variables based on percentiles.
>> pctrim trims outlying observations based on percentile bounds. pctrim
>> can operate on a varlist. The user can create an indicator variable
>> marking outliers or recode them. Recode options include mean, median,
>> upper/lower bounds, or system missing.
>> pctrim is similar to the recent SSC addition, -winsor2-, by Lian
>> Yu-jun. Both commands allow users to trim or winsorize several
>> variables at once. The main difference is in their treatment of
>> missing values. -winsor2- operates on each variable independently. The
>> default behavior for pctrim first identifies the analysis sample, with
>> no missing data, then operates on that sample only. pctrim can operate
>> on variables independently with the missok option. Both pctrim and
>> winsor2 are related to the original -winsor- command, by Nicholas J.
>> Cox.
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> --
> Well it seems I've finally, Thought of everything
> I want to love,I want to feel,Find peace
> Find the real :)
> Skype with me at: amber.sky78
Well it seems I've finally, Thought of everything
I want to love,I want to feel,Find peace
Find the real :)
Skype with me at: amber.sky78
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