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st: Panel data - Foreach-Collapse commands
Sadia Khalid <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Panel data - Foreach-Collapse commands
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 01:18:53 +0500
I am working on panel data. I have to create the Rolling SD of Y variable.
Which I am able to create with the help of the “ssc install mvsumm”
The command for creating the 3 year moving SD is
mvsumm y, stat(mean) win(3) gen(`var'3avg) end
Here I am facing a number of issue/problems
As I have to do 3 year moving SD for number of variables.
So I am trying to use foreach command
This is the commands in do file
webuse grunfeld,clear
xtset company year
*** Code for calculating 3 Year moving SD**
global storelist ""
foreach var in invest kstock {
global storelist = "${storelist} `var'"
mvsumm `var', stat(sd) win(3) gen(`var'3sd) end
collapse `var' , by(company)
Getting the following error message.
“variable kstock not found”
1) How I can over come this.
Secondly I want to get the following table
Full sample
1935-45 1946-54
Full sample 1984-1995
1996-2005 2005-2009
All Countries aveage rolling SD of Y aveage
rolling SD of Y aveage rolling SD of Y
aveage rolling SD of Y
Asian aveage rolling SD of Y
aveage rolling SD of Y aveage rolling SD of Y
aveage rolling SD of Y
(for Europe & Central Asia countries only)
(for Europe & Central Asia countries only) (for Europe & Central
Asia countries only) (for Europe & Central Asia countries
African aveage rolling SD of Y aveage rolling SD
of Y aveage rolling SD of Y aveage
rolling SD of Y
(for Sub-Saharan Africa countries only)
(for Sub-Saharan Africa countries only) (for Sub-Saharan
Africa countries only) (for Sub-Saharan Africa countries only)
How I can do this. I have generate this variable for number of variables.
Rolling SD of X is calculated for each country. and average of rolling
SD of X is taken for each country and this is ploted against average
of SD of Y to have a scatter diagram.
Average of SD of Y on y-axis and SD of X on x-axis to get a scatter
diagram for countries according to there income group i-e all counties
, high income countries , low income countries.
How this graph can be drawn
Link of the data file is
Sadia Khalid
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