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st: RE: Looping for STATA graphs using a string variable or a numeric with the labels including in titles
"Cohen, Elan" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: RE: Looping for STATA graphs using a string variable or a numeric with the labels including in titles
Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:57:43 +0000
I prefer the second solution using the original string variable. At first glance, you only need to add quotes to your -display- statement, i.e.:
di "`loc_var_a'"
di "`i'"
- Elan
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sarah Gerver
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:35
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Looping for STATA graphs using a string variable or a numeric with the labels including in titles
Dear Statalisters,
I am desperately trying to figure out how to produce >130 line graphs on separate figures (i.e. I want >130 graphs). I am trying to create a loop covering all values of a string variable (var_a) which itself is not being plotted.
I have had some success in producing all of the graphs if I encode var_a and use a while loop, however, I cannot figure out how to get the title of the graph to be the string labels on the numeric value. The code I have used is below:
encode var_a, gen(num_var_a)
local i = 1
while `i'<=135 {
line var_b var_c if num_var_a== `i', xlabel(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, valuelabel angle(90)) ylab(0(25000)110000) name(gr`i', replace) ytitle(This is my y axis, size(small)) xtitle(This is my x axis) title("Tile line 1" "Title line 2" "line 3, where I want the label for num_va_a `i'", size(medium) color(black)) legend(off)
graph save "trust graphs `i'.gph", replace
local i = `i'+1
I have also tried the following using the original string for var_a:
levelsof var_a, local(loc_var_a)
di ` loc_var_a'
foreach i of local loc_var_a {
di `i'
line var_b var_c if var_a == "`i'", xlabel(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, valuelabel angle(90)) name(gr`i', replace) ytitle(Y axis) xtitle(X axis title) title("First line of title" "second line of title" "third line: `i'", size(medium) color(black)) legend(off)
I get the following error (where STG is the first string value of var_a:
STG not found
end of do-file
Of note, I also get what appears to be one long string of codes when I first display ` loc_var_a' prior to the foreach loop begins, which might be the issue and why it cannot then find one 3 letter code.
Any ideas on how I get my >130 line graphs with the value of the string code in my graph title so that I know which of the 130+ graphs is which (using either of these loop types or any other coding ideas)?
Many thanks for your help,
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