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From | Nick Cox <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | Re: st: Loop fails to replace missing values |
Date | Wed, 4 Dec 2013 14:32:07 +0000 |
Your loop qui foreach v in tstat { replace `v' = r(`v') in `i' } reduces to a single statement replace tstat = r(tstat) in `i' Now r(tstat) is evidently not defined. That is not an error in Stata, as Stata merely substitutes missing. In your case, therefore, nothing is changed. You are evidently confusing -r(tstat)- with the scalar -tstat-. Your code simplifies to destring gvkey, replace egen id = group(gvkey), label gen date1 = yq(year, fqtr) tsset id date1, quarterly su id, meanonly local limit=r(max) g tstat = . gen which = "" forval i = 1/`limit' { display "Iteration of `i' of `limit" replace which = "`: label (id) `i''" in `i' dfgls fcf if id == `i' , maxlag(4) ers matrix b = e(b) matrix v1 = e(V) qui replace tstat = b[1,1] / sqrt(v1[1,1]) in `i' } Following also an earlier comment by Kieran McCaul I replaced loops over one element by single statements. It's possible that these loops were intended to be expanded by you, in which case you would need to reinstate them. Note also, primarily as a matter of style, that there is little point in putting values into named scalars if all you want to do is take out the value immediately afterwards. That's like getting a box, putting your pen in it, and then taking it out the pen to use just afterwards. The boxing up is harmless, but redundat. The -destring- statement also appears harmless, but redundant. -egen, group()- will accept a string variable. Nick On 4 December 2013 14:07, Francis, Richard N <> wrote: > Hi Statalist users, > > Have a loop with a REPLACE command which fails to update the missing values with valid numeric values. > > The loop is as follows: > > destring gvkey, replace > egen id = group(gvkey), label > gen date1 = yq(year, fqtr) > tsset id date1, quarterly > su id, meanonly > local limit=r(max) > foreach v in tstat { > g `v' = . > } > gen which = "" > > forval i = 1/`limit' { > display "Iteration of `i' of `limit" > replace which = "`: label (id) `i''" in `i' > dfgls fcf if id == `i' , maxlag(4) ers > matrix b = e(b) > matrix v1 = e(V) > scalar coeff = b[1,1] > scalar se1 = sqrt(v1[1,1]) > scalar tstat = coeff/se1 > qui foreach v in tstat { > > replace `v' = r(`v') in `i' > > } > } > > The -dfgls- program generates the e(b) and e(V) matrices, but I'm unsure if my use of "scalar" in this situation is correct. > > Any help is greatly appreciated. > > Thank you! > > Rick > > * > * For searches and help try: > * > * > * * * For searches and help try: * * *