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st: Problem: Mlogit: Variance Matrix nonsymmetric after bsample
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st: Problem: Mlogit: Variance Matrix nonsymmetric after bsample
Wed, 02 Oct 2013 15:05:54 +0200
Dear Statalist,
I would greatly appreciate your help.
I am currently trying predict the contrafactual probability of
nonvoters to vote for a certain party. I am using a mlogit-model with
interaction effects and difficult technique estimations options. To
get more robust results, I want bootstrapped predictions using bsample.
For some reason, if using bsample, after about 5 repetitions with the
random samples, the mlogit-model isn't concave anymore, but apparently
still converges. There's a warning message saying Variance Matrix
nonsymmetric or highly singular. This results in very strange
coefficients, which are still predicted und thus ruin the results.
I read that this might be due to the fact that there are not enough
cases with some sparse indicator variables. Therefore i tried reducing
the categories in some variables, with no effect. Using the total
option to see which variables produce empty cells doesn't help either.
I therefore used capture and e(p) so only regression samples w/
meaningful coeff. are included. This shows that only the first seven
examples are meaningful. How can that be and what to do about it?
Thank you very much!
Here the code used (stata 10):
set seed 731
forv i = 1/200 {
bsample, strata(Wä)
// Loop over dates and surveys
// Estimate model
capture mlogit party _I* [pweight=wei_ipfges_2] if party <= 5,
difficult technique(nr 15 bhhh 15 dfp 15 bfgs 15) base(1)
if e(p)~= . {
// Predict
predict Phat1 Phat2 Phat3 Phat4 Phat5 if Wä == 0
// Post
forv j = 1/5 {
sum Phat`j' [aw=wei_ipfges_2] if Wä==0, meanonly
post `CI' (`j') (r(mean))
drop Phat*
postclose `CI'
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