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Re: st: bootstrap weighted mean

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: bootstrap weighted mean
Date   Wed, 2 Oct 2013 16:32:14 +0900

Shuaizhang Feng wrote:

I was trying to bootstrap standard errors for the mean of two
variables. When I do so for simple means, i use the following ado

program myratio, rclass
         summarize `1'
          local a1 = r(mean)
          summarize `2'
          local a2 = r(mean)
 return scalar ratio = `a1'/`a2'

and then do the following:

.bootstrap r(ratio), reps(100) saving(cratio, replace): myratio u1 u2, detail

and this gives the results as expected.

however, when i wanted to do ratio of weighted means, i modified the
ado file as follows:

program myratio_w, rclass
      summarize `1'[iw=`3']
          local a1 = r(mean)
      summarize `2'[iw=`3']
          local a2 = r(mean)
 return scalar ratio = `a1'/`a2'

and then use:

bootstrap r(ratio), reps(100) saving(cratio, replace): myratio_w u1 u2
weight, detail

then stata does not work properly and gives me the following message:

invalid syntax
an error occurred when bootstrap executed myratio_w

I am wondering if anyone from the list can help me out. the difference
between the two ado files seem small Thanks in advance.


The return code is pretty nonspecific.  You can try a couple of
things.  First, turn on tracing:  -set trace on-.  Then, try running
the called command (-myratio_w-) by itself to see where the code
balks.  The message from -bootstrap- implies that the called program
is the problem, but if you don't see any problem running it alone,
then leave tracing on and run the -bootstrap- command in its entirety.

By the way, what's with the -detail- option?  I don't see that option
defined for either your nonweighted command -myratio- or for the
weighted command -myratio_w-.  Neither should have worked . . .

As an alternative, you can always have importance weights as an option
using Stata's syntax (-help syntax-) and that way have a single more
general command.  You'll need to use the -force- option for
-bootstrap- to use importance weights in the called command, but
that's your responsibility, anyway.

Joseph Coveney

. version 13.0

. clear *

. set more off

. program define myratio, rclass
  1.         version 13.0
  2.         syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [iweight]
.         local weight = cond("`weight'" == "", "", "[`weight'`exp']")
.         gettoken left right : varlist
.         summarize `left' `weight', meanonly
  6.         tempname top
  7.         scalar define `top' = r(mean)
.         summarize `right' `weight', meanonly
  9.         return scalar ratio = `top' / r(mean)
 10. end

. set seed `=date("2013-10-02", "YMD")'

. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

. bootstrap ratio = r(ratio), reps(100) nodots nowarn: myratio weight length

Bootstrap results                               Number of obs      =        74
                                                Replications       =       100

      command:  myratio weight length
        ratio:  r(ratio)

             |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       ratio |   16.06673    .275616    58.29   0.000     15.52653    16.60693

. generate double iweight = runiform()

. bootstrap ratio = r(ratio), reps(100) nodots nowarn force: ///
>         myratio weight length [iw=iweight]

Bootstrap results                               Number of obs      =        36
                                                Replications       =       100

      command:  myratio weight length [iweight= iweight]
        ratio:  r(ratio)

             |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       ratio |   15.81428   .3546588    44.59   0.000     15.11916    16.50939

. exit

end of do-file
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