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st: Dummy Variable Trap, urgent

From   "Salikhov, Talgat" <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: Dummy Variable Trap, urgent
Date   Fri, 6 Sep 2013 13:27:21 +0000

Dear All,

I need some help with my model. This is for my dissertation, which is due very soon, so I would greatly appreciate if anyone could reply asap.


I have a panel data. I am using STATA 11. I am running an employment model with fixed effects. I have a number of various variables to control for various factors and area characteristics, including 6 categorical dummy variables to control for the area type according to the level of urbanization. I also introduced year 7 dummies.  


When I run the model with fixed effects specification the coefficients for area type dummies get omitted because of collinearity. I realise this is a dummy variable trap. Note that coefficients for year dummies are estimated withoutany problems (with one year omitted as expected). However even though I drop one of the area type dummy variables, it still shows as omitted. I don't know what is the problem. I tried to check the data set for potential collinearity with other variables (possible 'doubling' of fixed effects) and was deleting one variable by one from the model, but did not help.  

The list of my commands with the results is as follows:


. *(26 variables, 1050 observations pasted into data editor)

. summarize output

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
      output |      1050    6636.304    5337.696       1497   33800.75

. sum

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
     country |         0
        year |      1050        2007    2.000953       2004       2010
      region |         0
uacountyname |         0
     tot_emp |      1050    150599.6      117570      12800     632963
priv_tot_emp |      1050    120319.6    96998.76      10000     541053
road_density |      1050    6.399432    4.106369   .1963984   18.20378
      output |      1050    6636.304    5337.696       1497   33800.75
 propertytax |      1050    1068.173    197.2193     552.77    1782.42
   expen_edu |      1050    28032.39    23728.64          0     207409
   expen_pss |      1050    2208.517    2677.185          0      30889
expen_transp |      1050    16999.31    15949.01         23     132291
expen_hous~g |      1050    23994.46    38973.29          0     612599
expen_libc~r |      1050    2840.263    4349.239        -30      54474
unemployment |      1050    6.361048    2.550556        1.2       16.3
        nvq3 |      1050    47.42981     7.48426       27.6       71.9
        nvq4 |      1050    27.90019    8.680573         12       63.6
     under16 |      1050    64679.43    48988.63       7100     274400
      over65 |      1050       54866    47158.07       6400     258500
benefitcla~s |      1050    29992.23     20152.8       1230     147780
  majorurban |      1050         .38    .4856177          0          1
  largeurban |      1050    .1733333    .3787156          0          1
  otherurban |      1050    .1466667    .3539419          0          1
significan~l |      1050    .1466667    .3539419          0          1
     rural50 |      1050    .1266667    .3327577          0          1
     rural80 |      1050    .0266667    .1611841          0          1

. replace expen_edu = 1 if (expen_edu == 0)
(20 real changes made)

. replace expen_pss = 1 if (expen_pss == 0)
(20 real changes made)

. replace expen_transp = 1 if (expen_transp == 0)
(0 real changes made)

. replace expen_housing = 1 if (expen_housing == 0)
(187 real changes made)

. replace expen_libculher = 1 if (expen_libculher == 0)
(19 real changes made)

. tabulate year, gen(y)

       year |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
       2004 |        150       14.29       14.29
       2005 |        150       14.29       28.57
       2006 |        150       14.29       42.86
       2007 |        150       14.29       57.14
       2008 |        150       14.29       71.43
       2009 |        150       14.29       85.71
       2010 |        150       14.29      100.00
      Total |      1,050      100.00

. gen log_priv_tot_emp = ln(priv_tot_emp)

. gen log_road_density = ln(road_density)

. gen log_output = ln(output)

. gen log_propertytax = ln(propertytax)

. gen log_expen_edu = ln(expen_edu)

. gen log_expen_pss = ln(expen_pss)

. gen log_expen_transp = ln(expen_transp)

. gen log_expen_housing = ln(expen_housing)

. gen log_expen_libculher = ln(expen_libculher)
(1 missing value generated)

. replace log_expen_libculher = 0 if (log_expen_libculher == .)
(1 real change made)

. gen log_under16 = ln(under16)

. gen log_over65 = ln(over65)

. gen log_benefitclaimants = ln(benefitclaimants)

. bysort  uacountyname : gen county_id = _n == 1

. replace county_id = sum(county_id)
(1049 real changes made)

. xtset county_id year, yearly
       panel variable:  county_id (strongly balanced)
        time variable:  year, 2004 to 2010
                delta:  1 year

. xtreg log_priv_tot_emp log_road_density log_output log_propertytax log_expen_edu log_expen_pss log_expen_transp log_exp
> en_housing log_expen_libculher unemployment nvq3 nvq4 log_under16 log_over65 log_benefitclaimants majorurban largeurban
>  otherurban significantrural rural50 rural80 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7, fe vce(robust)
note: majorurban omitted because of collinearity
note: largeurban omitted because of collinearity
note: otherurban omitted because of collinearity
note: significantrural omitted because of collinearity
note: rural50 omitted because of collinearity
note: rural80 omitted because of collinearity
note: y1 omitted because of collinearity

Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs      =      1050
Group variable: county_id                       Number of groups   =       150

R-sq:  within  = 0.3287                         Obs per group: min =         7
       between = 0.7905                                        avg =       7.0
       overall = 0.7888                                        max =         7

                                                F(20,149)          =     11.83
corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.5373                         Prob > F           =    0.0000

                            (Std. Err. adjusted for 150 clusters in county_id)
             |               Robust
log_priv_t~p |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
log_road_d~y |  -.0308976   .0190012    -1.63   0.106    -.0684442     .006649
  log_output |   .2778278   .0626751     4.43   0.000     .1539811    .4016746
log_proper~x |  -.2212403   .1382738    -1.60   0.112    -.4944711    .0519905
log_expen_~u |   .0002099   .0024071     0.09   0.931    -.0045467    .0049664
log_expen_~s |  -.0005283    .002037    -0.26   0.796    -.0045535    .0034969
log_expen_~p |  -.0037324   .0038912    -0.96   0.339    -.0114214    .0039566
log_expen_~g |   .0048323   .0014797     3.27   0.001     .0019083    .0077563
log_expen_~r |  -.0013391   .0009824    -1.36   0.175    -.0032803    .0006021
unemployment |   -.003091   .0012582    -2.46   0.015    -.0055772   -.0006049
        nvq3 |   .0002088   .0009244     0.23   0.822    -.0016178    .0020353
        nvq4 |   .0006803   .0011502     0.59   0.555    -.0015925     .002953
 log_under16 |   .0060861   .0982632     0.06   0.951    -.1880832    .2002555
  log_over65 |   .4174694   .0960725     4.35   0.000     .2276289    .6073099
log_benefi~s |  -.0309202   .0774981    -0.40   0.690    -.1840575    .1222171
  majorurban |  (omitted)
  largeurban |  (omitted)
  otherurban |  (omitted)
significan~l |  (omitted)
     rural50 |  (omitted)
     rural80 |  (omitted)
          y1 |  (omitted)
          y2 |   .0067527   .0071768     0.94   0.348    -.0074287    .0209341
          y3 |    .012156   .0135523     0.90   0.371    -.0146236    .0389355
          y4 |   .0122614   .0202253     0.61   0.545    -.0277041    .0522268
          y5 |   .0143446   .0249928     0.57   0.567    -.0350415    .0637307
          y6 |   .0523563    .028217     1.86   0.066    -.0034009    .1081135
          y7 |   .0167271   .0312961     0.53   0.594    -.0451144    .0785686
       _cons |   6.445186   1.679938     3.84   0.000     3.125607    9.764764
     sigma_u |  .36708293
     sigma_e |  .03455236
         rho |  .99121795   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
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