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st: xtabond2- number of observations per group
Filipa Alexandra Da Silva Fernandes <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: xtabond2- number of observations per group
Fri, 6 Sep 2013 12:30:42 +0100
Dear Statalist,
I am using the command -xtabond2- in stata 12.1 to perform a one step system GMM.
However, I cannot understand the number of observations per group that I am obtaining in my output.
My dataset has a minimum of 3 observations per group and a maximum of 9. However, in the below output, Stata gives me a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 8 observations.
Can you help me? Is there a way to understand why this is happening?
xi: xtabond2 e el k w land sl sgrowth i.year i.ind i.countrynew, gmm(el k w, lag(2 .
> )) gmm(land sl sgrowth, lag (2 .)) iv(year* ind* countrynew*) small r nomata noconstant
i.year _Iyeara2003-2005 (naturally coded; _Iyeara2003 omitted)
i.ind _Iind_1-2 (naturally coded; _Iind_1 omitted) _Icountry_1-2 (naturally coded; _Icountryne_1 omitted)
Building GMM instruments.......
Performing specification tests.
Dynamic panel-data estimation, one-step system GMM
Group variable: id Number of obs = 402175
Time variable : year Number of groups = 95740
Number of instruments = 159 Obs per group: min = 1
F(30, 95740) = 51855.03 avg = 4.20
Prob > F = 0.000 max = 8
| Robust
e | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
el | .6566588 .0246946 26.59 0.000 .6082575 .70506
k | .021753 .0169495 1.28 0.199 -.0114679 .0549739
w | -.0153329 .0707296 -0.22 0.828 -.1539622 .1232964
land | -.3344615 .0781881 -4.28 0.000 -.4877093 -.1812136
sl | -.0459528 .024158 -1.90 0.057 -.0933021 .0013965
sgrowth | .0262927 .0547286 0.48 0.631 -.0809748 .1335602
_Iyeara2004 | 3.232151 2.186755 1.48 0.139 -1.053865 7.518167
_Iyeara2005 | 3.244041 2.186569 1.48 0.138 -1.04161 7.529692
_Iind_2 | -.2841066 .5094497 -0.56 0.577 -1.282622 .714409
_Icountryne_2 | -1.939647 2.667379 -0.73 0.467 -7.167681 3.288387
Instruments for first differences equation
D.(year ind country)
GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
L(3/.).(el sl)
L(2/.).(k land sgrowth w)
Instruments for levels equation
year ind countrynew
GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
DL2.(el sl)
DL.(k land sgrowth w)
Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in first differences: z = -15.09 Pr > z = 0.000
Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences: z = -1.34 Pr > z = 0.182
Sargan test of overid. restrictions: chi2(128) =5906.37 Prob > chi2 = 0.000
(Not robust, but not weakened by many instruments.)
Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(128) =1080.95 Prob > chi2 = 0.000
(Robust, but weakened by many instruments.)
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