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From | Milena Przheska <> |
To | |
Subject | st: cell names for results generated from user-written package 'markov' |
Date | Thu, 22 Aug 2013 17:53:43 +0200 |
Dear Statalist members, I am using the following package package markov from Author: Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham I export the results from the matrices F and P to excel, but the row and column names are simply r1, r2...c1, c2... I am exploring the transition from one choice to another for categorical variable with many levels and I do not know upfront which choices appear and which do not, so it is important for me to save the names of the rows and columns in a way that will enable me to identify which levels of the variable they refer to. Is there a way to do this within the package I am using or some other package/command? Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it. Kindest regards, Milena Przheska * * For searches and help try: * * *