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st: Multiple Imputation

From   Bobby Jo otto <>
Subject   st: Multiple Imputation
Date   Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:53:08 -0400


I have a question regarding multiple imputation.  I conducted multiple imputation in SPSS and then transferred the data back to Stata.  After the imputation, my n=88,800, which includes the original data set plus the 5 imputations.  When I delete the original values (drop in 1/14,800) I'm left with a sample size of 74,000.  

My problem however,  is that when I set Stata to recognize that my data is imputed (mi set flong; mi set M=5), it multiplies 74,000 by 6 which then gives me a sample size of 444,000 (each imputed data set is multiplied by 6).  Thus, each specific respondent has data 30 different times.  

Example of data set: (up to 30) 

imputation_       aid
1			111111
1			111111
5			111111
4			111111
4			111111
3			111111
4			111111
1			111111
2			111111

Can anyone tell me exactly what I am doing wrong? 

Thanks in advance! 
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