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Re: st: PSM: Balance diagnostics using the empirical sampling distribution of the standardized difference

From   Richard Goldstein <>
Subject   Re: st: PSM: Balance diagnostics using the empirical sampling distribution of the standardized difference
Date   Wed, 14 Aug 2013 08:42:54 -0400

there are at least 3 user-written routines that might be related to this
article; use -findit- to find and install these

mpbalchk (version of preceding for MI data)

in addition for those using -cem- for matching, there are routines from
the -cem- authors also


On 8/14/13 8:31 AM, Lukas Borkowski wrote:
> Dear list,
> based on this statalist post ( I have read Austin, P.C. (2009) on how to check the balancing properties of the covariates between matched treated and untreated observations after PSM using the empirical sampling distribution of the standardized difference as alternative to t-tests. I was wondering whether there is a Stata command (user-written or else) to run this approach? My search was not successful.
> Best, Lukas
> Austin, P.C., 2009. Balance diagnostics for comparing the distribution of baseline covariates between treatment groups in propensity-score matched samples. Statistics in Medicine, 28(25), pp.3083-3107.
> #
> Lukas Borkowski
> University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
> M:
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